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HITOTSUBASHI UNIVERSITY International Dorm. - Current Students 19 Jul 2013 | 07:13 am
rooms 16 single rooms 2 family rooms (with spouse & children) period 2013.10.1 - 2015.9.25 (2years at longest) qualifications regular course students (Graduate & Under Graduate) rent single ro...
Application for UEC RF International Student Dormitory - Current Students 19 Jul 2013 | 06:47 am
rooms 3 Pair period 2013.10.1 - 2014.9.25 (one year at longest) qualifications regular course students, privately-financed students *The habitual delinquent of The room rent can not apply. rent...
Application for UEC INTERNATIONAL HOUSE - Current Students 19 Jul 2013 | 05:43 am
rooms 1 couple room (married couples) 2 family rooms (with spouse & children) period 2013.10.1 - 2014.9.25 (one year at longest) qualifications regular course students, privately-financed studen...
Over half of students lose confidence in value of GCSE’s following government’s plan to reform qualification 22 Aug 2013 | 02:36 pm
School pupils receiving GCSE results this week fear their grades will be devalued by the introduction of new exams, a survey of 1,103 students by The Student Room has revealed. 1 in 4 GCSE students f...
Students still lack an understanding of Clearing 21 Aug 2013 | 10:01 pm
Options 2013, a survey of 4000 students by the UK’s number one education site (comScore 2013), The Student Room has found that students still lack understanding of the Clearing process. When asked ab...
Records broken as “Happy but Confused” students flock to The Student Room for advice on securing university places 16 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
2.5 million unique visitors to our peer-to-peer community so far in August, up on 2012 numbers It’s a record-breaking year for The Student Room, the UK’s largest education website (comScore) with mor...
ITV reports on The Student Room’s results day and clearing resources 15 Aug 2013 | 09:51 pm
It’s been a busy day down here at TSR HQ, with record traffic to our site and thousands of discussions to manage. We even had ITV pop in to find out what was going on. TSR on ITV on A-level results d...
Tuition fees no longer having a significant impact on university applications 14 Aug 2013 | 04:47 pm
It seems the media hype around the impact of tuition fees on HE applications has finally had it’s day, according to the latest Options 2013 report from The Student Room The study of over 4000 student...
The Student Room finds major rise in students talking about Clearing 13 Aug 2013 | 08:31 pm
Early analysis of The Student Room’s site stats shows that discussion about the up-coming Clearing period is up 17% compared to the same point in 2012.With A-level Results Day round the corner the ant...
A-Level students lack confidence as results day looms 12 Aug 2013 | 03:21 pm
This week around 260,000 18 year olds will find out if the last 2 years of A-Level work has paid off and if they can go to their chosen university.Since the end of July, The Student Room has been poll...