Most studiopress themes related news are at:

Minimum, a Responsive and HTML5 Ready Portfolio Theme for Genesis 2.0 Users 26 Aug 2013 | 08:13 pm
We are happy to announce the release of the Minimum Pro Theme. This theme can be downloaded by Pro Plus members in the My StudioPress member area. The Minimum Pro Theme was given a design update by B...
Going Green, a Responsive and HTML5 Ready Professional Theme for Genesis 2.0 Users 19 Aug 2013 | 08:23 pm
We are happy to announce the release of the Going Green Pro Theme. This theme can be downloaded by Pro Plus members in the My StudioPress member area. The Going Green Pro Theme was given a design upd...
More studiopress themes related news:
Why everyone should use StudioPress themes for their WordPress websites 25 Apr 2012 | 03:59 pm
Are you looking for a high-end professional website design with lots of customizability, top-notch SEO options and great security on a budget that won’t break the bank? StudioPress offers amazing the...
Studiopress 30 Nov 2010 | 11:00 am
StudioPress Themes: These are themes that I recommend and use. You can’t beat these for quality and price. Click here or on the Studiopress graphic right below for more information about each theme. S...
StudioPress Themes: Buy One Get One Free 30 Mar 2009 | 03:51 pm
StudioPress (formally Revolution Themes) is offering a Spring special for all theme packages – BUY ONE STUDIOPRESS THEME PACKAGE, GET ONE FREE!. Yes, you heard that correctly – for $59.95, you can hav...
Save 25% On All StudioPress Themes & Plugins: 2011 Thanksgiving Coupon Code 23 Nov 2011 | 05:22 am
StudioPress Black Friday & Thanksgiving Promotion Premium WordPress theme/plugin company StudioPress wants to say thanks, so starting Tuesday, November 22nd they will be offering 25% off all products...
Studiopress 18 Jun 2010 | 04:00 pm
Professionally designed and optimized WordPress themes StudioPress themes are a perfect solution for small businesses or individuals looking to establish their online presence with a WordPress blog o...
Tubular premium video wordpress theme 8 Jul 2010 | 05:51 pm
Tubular is a premium video wordpress theme from studiopress Theme Future : 2 columns Widget ready Drop down navigation menu Featured video post on homepage And many more Demo & Release Page | D...
介绍一款适合放GOOGLE ADSENSE广告的WORDPRESS主题 18 May 2011 | 03:14 pm
如果你有一个WORDPRESS独立博客,在博客上挂几个ADSENSE广告,只要得到有效点击就能收到GOOGLE汇来的钱,这对每一个博主都是十足的诱惑。WORDPRESS主题很多,并不是每一种主题都适合放ADSENSE广告位,DIY自己修改主题对很多非技术博主也很有难度。这里推荐一款现成的适合放GOOGLE ADSENSE广告的主题: StudioPress Theme 这款主题可以很方便地在每篇文...
StudioPress Theme Selection Tool 6 Jun 2012 | 11:30 pm
Copied from StudioPress Theme Selection Tool We all know how difficult it is to find a good theme for our blog. It’s one of the most challenging and most tough decisions to be taken before starting a...
BlogNews a Free Mobile Responsive Genesis Child Theme from WPCANADA 19 Dec 2012 | 01:04 pm
One of my favorite StudioPress themes was the first generation Streamline. Now fortunately there is new free Genesis child theme named BlogNews that shares many of the desirable features of the first ...
Premium Website Themes 24 Feb 2013 | 11:01 pm
StudioPress is the industry standard for Premium WordPress Themes. Over 86,000 website owners trust Studiopress themes. Here are just a few StudioPress Themes Decor8ted Theme Modern Portfolio Theme Mo...