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Why Injectable Fillers Continue To Gain Popularity 26 Aug 2013 | 08:22 pm
We all want to live happy and healthy lives. In recent years there have been miracle breakthroughs in the world of science and technology that has translated into major progression on the medical fron...
Save Tons On Beautiful Pre-Owned Wedding Dresses 26 Aug 2013 | 08:18 pm
Finding the wedding dress of your dreams can be tough, but finding one you can afford can be even harder. We’ve all been there. You have spent the entire day trying on dresses for a special event. You...
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Chicago’s DJ Amaris vs. Pittsburgh’s DJ Bonics 20 Mar 2013 | 01:00 am
VILLA #BEWILD MARCH MADNESS [DJ EDITION] 16 DJ’s go head-to-head to show off their SWAG and see who can be the wildest when it comes to style. DJ AMARIS Chicago, IL Twitter – @djamaris1VILLA #BeWild O...