Most style of your front garden related news are at:

Garden Designers Roundtable – Maintenance 25 Jun 2013 | 11:00 am
Does this garden look low maintenance to you? As The Personal Garden Coach, one of the TOP things that clients ask for most frequently is a “Low Maintenance” garden. My job is to ask a lot of questio...
Garden Designers Roundtable – Celebrating Trees 28 May 2013 | 11:00 am
The definition of Dendrolatry: Tree worship, refers to the tendency of many societies throughout history to worship or otherwise mythologize trees. If that is true, then yes, I am hopelessly guilty. I...
More style of your front garden related news:
Downshifting: Mrs Everybody’s Tiny Garden 10 Apr 2009 | 10:58 pm
Tiny Gardens for Birds & Bees? Mrs Everybody has been in her tiny front garden. She is not the only visitor. Passing bees hum around the flowers and birds stop to lie down, eat or just stand around h...
Luxury home designs for modern homes 18 May 2012 | 01:48 pm
If you are building a new house or renovate the old, a luxury home ideas to help you make a good house, spacious, has plenty of sunshine and full of fresh air. A well-maintained front garden can leave...
Porch Lights – Define Your Home Style 3 Aug 2011 | 01:45 am
All My Home Gardening Needs When it comes to porch lights I nearly always install 120 volt lighting. Wiring is usually straightforward as most homes have existing lights you can replace and if you... ...
Front Garden Design of “Agrowisata” Tourism Complex in Malang, Indonesia 12 Apr 2012 | 07:13 pm
Beautiful Garden in The Complex of Apple Garden for Tourism in Malang East Java, Indonesia Malang is the city which is located in the city named Batu, Malang East Java, Indonesia. This is the beautif...
Credit crunch: combating recession with potato-based snacks 27 Jan 2010 | 10:54 pm
When I first clocked a recession was imminent – after I’d checked the relevant terms of my contract and cancelled the statue of myself in solid gold I was having made for the front garden – I began to...
Loresho Springs Apartments 25 Oct 2011 | 02:49 pm
Located in Loresho, off Waiyaki way on the road to Kenya Sugar Board, near the new Water Front Gardens. Comprising 12 blocks on 5.4 acre plot. Each block carries 8 apartments and 2 attics Each apart...
Snow in the Garden 21 Jan 2012 | 09:02 am
It snowed last night and before it has all melted away I wanted to share how pretty it looks. My front garden. A labor of love and fellowship for me & my son. The rain chain my son gave me. He a.....
Roll up! 1 Jul 2011 | 01:32 am
In the spirit of Wimbledon, I am going to be holding prestigious music/sporting events in my home. Please feel free to queue and camp in my front garden overnight ahead of these events, only to be tol...
holding hands 1 Jul 2011 | 02:06 am
I remember the exact place I was standing when my son reached up to hold my hand for the very first time. It was outside in the front garden, right on the path between the front door and the mail box,...
old fashioned roses 27 Jun 2010 | 12:30 am
I have the most beautiful and amazing deep-red huge roses in my front garden. The smell from them is that strong old fashioned sweet fragrance that modern roses never have. They were here when I bough...