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More styling anchor tags related news:
How to Link – PDF 4 Aug 2010 | 12:39 pm
Here is a little PDF file I put together for some writers/content providers that I work with. Though their writing skills are excellent, their knowledge of how to create anchor tags fell very short. ...
Áp dụng PrettyPhoto Plugin cho tất cả image 28 Sep 2011 | 12:38 pm
Nếu đang áp dụng PrettyPhoto cho blog của mình thì bạn sẽ nhận ra là phải chèn thuộc tính rel="prettyphoto" cho từng ảnh, nay sự phiền hà đó không còn nữa, chỉ cần ảnh có anchor tag (a tag) là sẽ tự đ...
How to style input tag file uploads in Webkit (Chrome, Safari) 4 Mar 2012 | 10:54 pm
If you’ve ever been tasked with creating a consistent user experience across all web browsers you’ve probably had a real challenge styling form input elements. Historically IE has been the most challe...
How to add links to WordPress image captions 25 Apr 2012 | 10:35 am
The WordPress media manager allows you to add captions to your images, which can be inserted into your post content wrapped in the caption shortcode. You can see that I’ve placed anchor tags in the p...
How to disable Anchor tag in IE and Firefox? 16 Sep 2009 | 07:34 pm
I have searched many sites for to disable anchor and I know that IE supports ‘disable’ property for anchor tag, however Firefox does not support this. So whenever you try with ‘disable’ property of an...
CSS Selectors 17 Feb 2012 | 08:00 am
CSS Selectors are the most handy way to apply styles to select HTML elements. CSS Selectors are widely used in jQuery and HTML DOM Parsers etc. This will apply the style to all anchor tags which have...
How to add new class on anchor tag when mouse is over and remove class when mouse is out 19 Mar 2012 | 06:23 pm
Tweet Cell phone monitoring apps have been given a name of shame for a while but a silent majority continues to use them – this silent majority are concerned parents who have no alternative for keepi...
links for 2010-07-30 30 Jul 2010 | 08:03 pm
Building a custom HTML5 video player with CSS3 and jQuery – ODC The title says it all really. This provides a nice jquery plugin and examples of nicely styled video tags to get you started boy howdy....
Find all anchor tags in a page with PHP and the Simple HTML DOM Parser 27 Nov 2011 | 09:36 pm
This post shows how to download a web page and find all the link anchor tags in the page using PHP and the Simple HTML DOM Parser which has a jQuery like syntax selector. PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser ...
NLP Anchoring in Action 27 May 2012 | 08:26 pm
Examples of NLP style anchoring in action from Derren Brown, Tony Robbins and SNL