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Instal WP di Subdomain 21 Sep 2011 | 01:00 am
ikuti terus update Belajar WordPress dengan video
Dichev Sitemap 17 Feb 2008 | 03:31 pm
User friendly HTML sitemap showing the basic architecture of my website and links to the most important pages and subdomains on
Subdomain or Subdirectory Name for a SEO Blog? 10 Aug 2007 | 07:19 pm
“Subdomain or Subdirectory Name for a SEO Blog?–It depends!“ Some quick definitions of “Subdomain” and “Subdirectory”: A subdomain is a completely different website (from the ‘main-domain’) and it l...
Paket Hosting Murah hanya Rp, 750-/bln 7 Jul 2007 | 09:54 pm
Perbandingan Paket Hosting Murah Solusi Hosting-20M 20M Disk Space 3G Bandwith email & subdomain MySQL Database PHP4, PHP5, Fantastico upgradeable Paling murah Rp. 750,-/bln minimum kontrak ...
Planning the New Blogs: Subdomains 2 Nov 2006 | 02:29 pm
Take a look at these sites: Site Organization with Subdomains Subdomains, Subfolders and Top-Level Domains Folders versus Subdomains From what I’ve read, subdomains look like the best way to go fo...
Can’t log in to your WordPress subdomain blogs? 6 Jan 2012 | 01:55 pm
I recently tried my hand, once again, at installing another WordPress multisite/network on a Windows machine, but this time using subdomains instead of directories for blogs. The process was identical...
Why Companies Need Mobile Marketing 15 Dec 2011 | 06:17 pm
Mobile devices have become an extension of us. So much so that 35% of smartphone users use SNS apps before even getting out of bed! Mobile subdomains are essential to mobile commerce. Mobile-friendl...
What is addon domains, parked domains and subdomains 28 Apr 2012 | 12:21 pm
UK-Fully Managed Web Hosting Here is the brief description about addon domains, parked domains and subdomains Addon domains An addon domain allows to add a new domain name in your account. The addo...
Haben Webmaster keine Zeit ? 9 Oct 2011 | 01:42 am
Leider mußten wir immer öfter sehen, das die Webmaster sich bei der Blogerstellung keine Zeit nehmen. Da wird einfach eine Subdomain angemeldet, Bild und Text rein,… fast fertig! Was die meisten natür...
How to Set up a subdomain with cPanel 30 May 2012 | 01:03 pm
One of the biggest issues with cPanel is that many different versions exist so the graphical experience is not consistent between web hosts or even new versions of the software. However, in general th...