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Installing Eclipse in Linux with PHP and Perl Support 16 Sep 2011 | 02:55 am
In Linux people use vim, vi, gedit and Eclipse as the Text Editor or IDE. Previously I had posted, how to install Sublime text editor in Linux, today I will post about installing Eclipse Indigo in Fed...
Sublime Text Editor tricks for web developers 24 Sep 2012 | 06:28 pm
Last weekend we were at Apache Barcamp Spain with a talk about cool tools for web developers. Aside: if you are coming to a single event in Spain on a given year, make it this one. Barcamp Spain has ...
Installing The Sublime Text Editor With Vim Style Behavior 30 Dec 2012 | 06:36 am
Sublime Text is a relativley recent addition to the family of available text editors, having been introduced first in January of 2011. it is truly lightning fast, supports syntax highlighting for most...
Sublime Text Editor for PHP - a love story 25 Jan 2013 | 04:56 am
Sublime Text is a fast, sophisticated text editor for code. Over the years we've tested numerous text editors, including Notepad, Notepad++, PHPStorm, Eclipse, jEdit, NetBeans, phpDesigner and PHPEdi...
Sublime Text Editor tricks for web developers 24 Sep 2012 | 06:28 pm
Last weekend we were at Apache Barcamp Spain with a talk about cool tools for web developers. Aside: if you are coming to a single event in Spain on a given year, make it this one. Barcamp Spain has ...
Sublime Text 2 简介 12 Sep 2011 | 02:29 am
最近试用了一款新的编辑器 Sublime Text 2,跨平台,据说他是仿TextMate的,没用过TextMate,不知道后者有多厉害。然而 Sublime Text 2 我一用就爱上他了。 一开始是由于他的迷你地图模式而吸引我的注意力的,这个迷你地图可以概览整个文件。实现快速跳转。这个是个亮点,在其他编辑器中都没有见过此类功能。然而试用了之后我很快发现,迷你地图功能可能未必好用,但真正让我觉...
Adobe Edge Preview 4: Tip – Wrapping Type Elements 10 Feb 2012 | 09:26 am
Point Type When you Click once you only get a single point of entry that produces a single line of text. No chance at wrap to the next line becasue when you hit Enter the text editor closes. Ideal for...
My Journey to the Perfect Text-Editor 21 Feb 2012 | 05:39 am
This article is about why I feel Sublime Text 2 is the best text editor ever and how/why I ended up using it. I’ve decided to write this because I seem to talk about this topic quite often and it woul...
Creating Web Pages with Nvu 27 Feb 2007 | 04:13 pm
This article by Daniel Bartholemew originally appeared in TUX Magazine, Issue 14. We know you "could" create web pages by just typing HTML into a text editor or word processor. For those of us that h...
Textmate Cheat Sheet 4 Nov 2010 | 10:51 am
If you're looking for a comprehensive cheat sheet for TextMate (the popular Mac text editor) that is not language specific, then check out this one from Link is to PDF [link]