Most sucker punch dragon official related news are at:
– Comicpalooza Blog
Blog Hiatus 1 Aug 2012 | 06:39 pm
As Comicpalooza moves into the last half of 2012 and gets ready for the 2013 convention, we will be relaunching our website in the coming weeks, which means relaunching the blog also. As of today the...
The Avengers "A New Threat" Blu-Ray Clip 1 Aug 2012 | 05:41 am
The promotion for the upcoming Blu-Ray release of The Avengers is in full swing, and here is the mid-credits scene featuring a well known Marvel villain that may be setting up future films!
More sucker punch dragon official related news:
inFAMOUS: Second Son Gamescom trailer, Dev diary and screenshots 22 Aug 2013 | 06:44 am
Sucker Punch Productions has released a few trailers and screenshots for their upcoming inFAMOUS: Second Son. The first of which, the official Gamescom trailer, introduces us to Abigail Walker, a cond...