Most super metroid remake related news are at:

A slow month 28 Jul 2013 | 10:39 pm
This was a bit of a slow month. As usual, office work and family are taking most of my free time, and there wasn't much progress. I did dedicate some time planning some of the optional story elements...
Early Testing 8 Jul 2013 | 08:02 am
There's been some solid progress this month. The first phase of early playtesting began with a couple of selected players, and I'm already making changes to some of the Gamma fights. This section has ...
More super metroid remake related news:
ThePlasmas - Taste My Power (2011) 10 Sep 2011 | 09:45 pm
Artista/Band:The Plasmas Album:Taste My Power Año/Year:2011 Género/Genere:nes rock/nintendo metal/VGM País/Country:Chile Myspace:The Plasmas Tracklist 01. Metroidminator - Super Metroid (SNES) 02...
Super Metroid Final Boss Scene recreated in super HD 28 Mar 2013 | 05:07 pm
Deviantart user elemental79 enjoy recreating old screenshots of retro games, into super high-resolutions arework. His last piece is the final boss scene versus the mother brain in Super Metroid on the...
Veja uma imagem de Super Metroid virar uma obra-prima em alta resolução 29 Mar 2013 | 03:05 am
O sábio do Photoshop e membro do Deviant Art Elemental79 está de volta e transformou uma cena do clássico de 1994 Super Metroid em um trabalho de arte em alta resolução. Tecnicamente, a imagem...
Kickin’ it With Matt White – Ghost Song 22 Aug 2013 | 05:30 pm
Have you missed the 2D Metroid releases of ages past? Are you looking forward to a game that takes the Super Metroid formula and runs wild? Then you are going to love this new Kickin’ it With! 4cr: T...
7/24 - Gamasutra on Why Super Metroid's Hacking Community is Still Going Strong 25 Jul 2013 | 02:13 am
Gamasutra recently posted an article by Victoria Earl on the hacking community for Super Metroid, highlighting the work of Metroid Construction. It's a lot of great coverage for a great group of peopl...
Super Metroid - Game Guide Book 26 Aug 2013 | 05:38 pm
Super Metroid - Game Guide Book $44.99 Game Guide Book This game book has a fantastic collection of location, weapon and enemy guides. Also has level maps. One sticker is slightly loose and map has...
Metroid: Other M 29 Jul 2013 | 07:02 pm
I would never have considered myself to be a long-term Metroid fan. I didn’t play the original until close I was about 9, never understood why folks got excited about Super Metroid until four years ag...
Ghost Song: A Journey of Hope intenta salir adelante en Kickstarter 7 Aug 2013 | 04:55 pm
A simple vista podría decirse que Ghost Song: A Journey of Hope es más un lavado de cara con nuevos enemigos, parajes, habilidades y skins de Super Metroid que otra cosa. Sin embargo su autor ha sabid...
16-Bit Gems #33: Dragon Quest III 22 Jun 2013 | 11:38 pm
Roo brings back 16-Bit Gems in style with the finale of the 4-part Dragon Quest retrospective! After looking at the history of RPGs, the Super Nintendo remakes of DQ 1&2, and the modern classic of Dra...
Guacamelee! Gold Edition 13 Aug 2013 | 12:49 am
Guacamelee is the sum of Super Metroid and a Mexican-themed brawler. And, yes, it’s as cool as it sounds. So many of the map layouts, secrets, and abilities will remind you of Metroid, which is defini...