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SUPER OFFERTA: HTC One 32 GB a “soli” 499 Eu 19 Aug 2013 | 08:01 pm
E’ di pochi minuti fa la grande OFFERTA da parte degli Stockisti che vendono gli HTC One con Storage da 32 GB a soli 499 Euro. La GARANZIA è però EUROPA anche se, nel caso di HTC non cambia moltissimo...
Google Nexus One oder HTC Desire 2 Jul 2010 | 09:00 am
Vergleich HTC Desire und Google Nexus One – zwei super Android Smartphones Da neben dem HTC Desire nun auch das Google Nexus One endlich auf dem deutschen Markt verfügbar ist, stellt sich für einige ...
Daily Links - 10/20/11 20 Oct 2011 | 04:00 pm
Galaxy Nexus - With ice cream sandwich. Occupy Mordor - One ring should not rule them all. Retro Phone - Everything old is new again. Coloring Book - For Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. :-) Super M...
Top Features & Problems with Samsung Galaxy S4 15 Aug 2013 | 12:23 pm
The Samsung Galaxy S4 is easily one of the higher-end smartphones on the market, and is widely considered to a super-phone in the class of Apple’s eponymous line of iPhones, Google’s Nexus, and Taiwan...