Most super shock gel related news are at:

REN's Satin Perfection BB Cream - an ideal BB cream? I think so! 26 Aug 2013 | 04:19 pm
I am very much into BB creams at the moment and, in fact, am all for a very natural look right now. I am trying to use foundations less often and, believe it or not, sometimes even have completely "ba...
Daily Essentials from Nivea - Extra Gentle Eye Make Up Remover & Light Moisturising Day Cream 23 Aug 2013 | 02:51 pm
I love Nivea and their simple yet hard working products. It's a brand I trust, a brand I've been using since I was in my teens, and I find their skin- and bodycare products to be very non fuss and rea...
More super shock gel related news:
Avon Super Shock Gel Eyeliner in Golden Fawn - dupe for Chanel Rose Platine? 31 Aug 2012 | 01:07 am
today just a quick eyeliner-review. i bought this Avon Super Shock Gel Eyeliner some months ago after i saw a review on Cream's Beauty Blog. not only is Golden Fawn a light metallic taupe, it also se...
Avon Super Shock Gel Eyeliner in Golden Fawn - dupe for Chanel Rose Platine? 31 Aug 2012 | 01:07 am
today just a quick eyeliner-review. i bought this Avon Super Shock Gel Eyeliner some months ago after i saw a review on Cream's Beauty Blog. not only is Golden Fawn a light metallic taupe, it also se...
I love shopping! 13 Aug 2011 | 11:04 am
I was browsing the secondlife market and came across this amazing store listed on there. It's called Blackburns and I was super shocked at how low their prices were! The shoes are honestly I think ar...
Super Shock Max Máscara 11 Apr 2012 | 10:53 am
Olá meninas. Já viram a novidade da avon neste ciclo!? È o novo rímel que promete milagres,com cílios gigantes e volumosos igual aos postiços,que maravilha né! ...
Avon SuperSHOCK Mascara Black 5 May 2012 | 08:38 pm
Avon SuperSHOCK Mascara Black Avon Super Shock Mascara helps to give you those beautiful full eyelashes you always dreamed of Up to 12 x more volume Fine comb separates lashes for a longer,precise ...
Need Manic Panic replacement 31 Aug 2007 | 05:22 am
HEEELLLPPPP! I placed an order with Manic Panic yesterday, and got email from them today... they've discontinued their Fuschia Shock gel color. This has been my signature color for over five years. S...
Testei: Super Shock Max da Avon 27 Jun 2012 | 07:59 am
Se me perguntarem qual o item de maquiagem mais imprescindível para uma mulher responderei que é a máscara para cílios. Saio de casa sem batom, mas jamais sem máscara! É incrível o poder de transforma...
Super Shock Max 4 Sep 2012 | 03:00 pm
Oiiie meninas tudo bem? Sumi novamente, muito feio né, mas estou de volta estava numa correria total, mas agora consegui organizar as coisas por aqui :) Hoje vim falar com vocês, de um produto que n...
Revlon Rich Raspberry Colorstay Longwear Nail Enamel Review with Photos! 2 Aug 2013 | 11:39 am
Revlon Rich Raspberry Colorstay Longwear Nail Enamel Revlon Rich Raspberry Colorstay Longwear Nail Enamel ($5-6) is a raspberry pink with a super-glossy, gel-like finish. Indoors in low lighting the ...
Avon Super Shock Lidschattenstift- ein Lidschatten wie Seide 20 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
Dank Avon durfte ich bereits die neue Mascara Innovation testen und bekam dafür sogar noch als Dank dieses tolle Beauty Package. Noch vor meinem Urlaub und inzwischen konnte ich nun die einzelnen Prod...