Most survival hunter pvp spec related news are at:
– TheWinnerHosts [dot] com - Webhosting Reviews by Costumers
PronetHosting Insane November Discount 31 Oct 2009 | 01:05 am
Pronet Hosting Make a crazy deals again for cheap hosting hunter, Starting November 1, 2009 PronetHosting are offering ANY of their plan for only $25 ($2/mo) for the entire first year (except dedicate...
Hosting24 23 Oct 2009 | 03:37 am Suck? I don’t think so…. is another Great hosting on the web, with their motto “Web Hosting That Rocks!” this hosting really rock the web with their hosting feature: Unlimi...
More survival hunter pvp spec related news:
Video (47 minutes) of Multiboxing Scholomance Instance @ Level 41 3x Hunters 14 Jun 2011 | 02:15 pm
This video is of the 3x Hunter multiboxing team of Tims and we used the LFD system to que and ended up in Scholomance. The hunters are 41, BM spec, and have 3 dps/pvp pets (wolf, fox, dog) and 3 tan...