Most svn ignore file related news are at:

How to Get or Extract filename and extension in bash 11 Mar 2013 | 12:00 am
nsoualem@gold: -> PICTURE=Tux.jpg nsoualem@gold: -> echo ${PICTURE%%.*} Tux nsoualem@gold: -> echo ${PICTURE#*.} jpg For multiples extensions files: nsoualem@gold: -> FILE=archive.tar.gz nsoual...
How to Get or Extract filename and extension in bash 11 Mar 2013 | 12:00 am
nsoualem@gold: -> PICTURE=Tux.jpg nsoualem@gold: -> echo $PICTURE%%.* Tux nsoualem@gold: -> echo $PICTURE#*. jpg For multiples extensions files: nsoualem@gold: -> FILE=archive.tar.gz nsoualem@gold: -...
More svn ignore file related news:
How to make svn ignore file and folders on update and commit 11 Mar 2012 | 12:58 am
When we work on Production and Development environment separately on subversion, many times we need to keep a file outside of the SVN versioning. Usually conf files come under this category. A simple...
Mac下svn命令 27 Mar 2012 | 01:14 am
1、将文件checkout到本地目录 svn checkout path(path是服务器上的目录) 例如:svn checkout svn:// 简写:svn co 2、往版本库中添加新的文件 svn add file 例如:svn add test.php(添加test.php) svn add *.php(添加当前目录下所有的php文件) 3、将改...
Ignorando Arquivos no SVN com a propriedade SVN:IGNORE 8 Apr 2009 | 07:10 am
Introdução Sou programador php e uso sempre o SVN para controlar as versões dos meus projetos, como também uso o smarty como ferramenta de templates tenho um problema crônico que é o seguinte: toda v...
Ignore files or folders on svn update 31 May 2009 | 07:01 am
This article covers the simple task of ignoring files on svn update. In our case, we needed to exclude our applications config files. This way we can have a DEV, QA and LIVE environment, all easily up...
Export files in a commit in GIT. Just like SVN Export Files in Tortoise 22 Feb 2012 | 05:22 am
Format of SVN access file for Path Based Authorization 18 Dec 2009 | 05:27 pm
Fine grained permissions on SVN repositories can be provided by creating an access file. Following is a sample access file explaining the basic format of the file. More details can be found by reading...
VisualSVN Server backup script in Windows 7 16 Nov 2010 | 08:50 am
The following are steps to create a Visual svn backup file from the DOS command line in Windows 7. Make sure that you have administrative rights when executing the command line (This can be achieved ...
FAlbum – 0.6.2 19 Jan 2006 | 03:22 pm
FAlbum – A WordPress plugin that allows you to display your Flickr photos and photosets on your site. New in FAlbum 0.6.2: Fix: Bug-12 – ‘View Private Level’ setting was ignored Files: README.txt ...
Setting and updating svn:ignore 21 Apr 2010 | 02:56 pm
I’ve found the command line to be the most reliable and simplest way of managing subversion repositories, but also found the svn:ignore property a little more esoteric to set up than I’d like. svn:ig...
SVN ignore tmp directory in CakePHP 25 Oct 2010 | 08:53 am
This caused me a lot of frustration. Mostly because there is no .svnignore file in SVN like gits .gitignore. I wanted to just ignore the “app/tmp” folder in CakePHP recursively. So I tried this… Whil...