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More sweat count day week related news:
I feel bad.. 6 Jan 2012 | 07:09 am
I am writing tonight because I am not feeling ok. There are lots of things in my mind right now. Mixed emotions as always. I am excited, it is because I am counting days til last week of February this...
Atkins Diet Error, Starting Over! 21 Jan 2012 | 12:15 am
I am so annoyed with myself – today I discovered that I have been miscalculating my carb count all week and that in fact I have had around 26g of carbs a day instead of 20g! The confusion arose from t...
The Advantages of Fitness at Home 3 Mar 2013 | 04:30 pm
How many of you feel that you need to trim up a bit because of the extra counts of calories accumulated from the food and drinks served up during the past days, weeks and years? I think many of you wa...
a wife-to-be... 22 May 2013 | 08:37 am
Imma wife-to-be..really soon. So so so excited, yet im full of melancholic. Less than 7 weeks readers, im going to change my status! Ouch. Counting days, let's count together lah.. Excited tu bukanny...
Logparser Scenario 10:Find out the count of an Event Log on a daily basis 28 May 2013 | 06:47 pm
This post is a continuation of this article. Scenario 10: What if you see a specific Event log entry and want to check on which date it is happening? Is it happening every day, weekly, or what? The f...
Logparser Scenario 10:Find out the count of an Event Log on a daily basis 2 Jun 2013 | 03:57 am
This post is a continuation of this article. Scenario 10: What if you see a specific Event log entry and want to check on which date it is happening? Is it happening every day, weekly, or what? The fo...
39 weeks already....... 11 Aug 2013 | 04:31 am
alhamdulillah...i'm currently 39weeks already, counting days to see my baby. hari ni hari ke-4 raya, sempat gak merasa lemang ketupat bagai, makan x hengat...hehehehehe. pg mana2 pon org soh mkn, pela...
Post-Scholastic Stress Disorder 23 Aug 2013 | 08:03 pm
It’s the last week of August. This was just about when the nightmares would begin. Bolting awake, I would find myself gasping for air and drenched with sweat. What day is this? I’d be terrified that...
36 weeks + counting days = 9 months 13 Jun 2013 | 08:48 pm
alhamdullillah.. sekarang adalah fasa di mana saya hanya menunggu hari untuk melahirkan baby sy yg pertama. insyaallah jika di izinkan Allah tak lama lg baby akan lahir..perasaan seronok, bercampur d...
we have a 5 year old???? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MISS ADDELYN! 28 Jun 2013 | 12:16 am
June 10th this precious girl turned 5!!! She has been counting the weeks for a couple of months! Since her party was a couple of days before-we had a laid back kind of day! Jammies all morning-the p...