Most sweater puppies related news are at:

Most Influential Blog Awards Nomination 30 Jul 2013 | 01:22 am
So, Chris Wysocki nominated me for an award and called me “Influential” did he? Does that mean in a good way or a bad way? As in: “Here’s what not to do.” Could be the latter but I’ll assume the forme...
AFTERBURNER w/ BILL WHITTLE: The Lynching 20 Jul 2013 | 05:38 am
More sweater puppies related news:
Super big titties on Selena Star getting fucked 31 May 2012 | 08:53 am
Selena Star is one of those rare women blessed with big titties, and when I say big titties I mean GINORMOUS titties. SIZE K. Completely real and natural, those sweater puppies are a breast man’s fant...
Kate Upton’s Big Breasts in a Bikini! 3 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
After the debatable leak of Kate Upton topless riding a horse for a Complex spread years ago, watching her in a bikini top just doesn’t do it for me. It’s always nice to see a pair of sweater puppies ...
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Book Launch Party! 17 Nov 2011 | 06:38 am
Share/Bookmark Meet Team Ugly at the Indiana Welcome Center on November 18th Hammond, IN 11-16-2011 – Let’s get ready to party! This holiday season, throw on your ugliest Christmas sweater and make ...
Why Writing “See ID” on Credit Cards Is The Worst Thing You Can Do 24 Jul 2009 | 02:51 pm
Yes, even worse than beating puppies. Because credit cards won’t grow up to pee on your slippers. Unless you have Capital One. Back in high school, I did a stint in retail selling greeting cards and ...
New lesbian redhead is eager to fuck sexy brunette 2 Mar 2011 | 01:00 am
Ivy is one of my best friends & I would do anything for her. The day I lost my puppy, she was there for me no matter what I needed. I really needed something good to get my mind off of the whole situa...
(2012-01-15修复U盘引导)280+MB的Macis Puppy Linux 536 21 Aug 2011 | 10:41 pm
系统组件版本 Glibc:2.13.0-20 ; Binutils:2.21 ; GCC:4.5.3 ; GTK+:2.24.4 ; Glib:2.28.7 ; GDB: 7.3 ; Python:2.7.2 ; 主要特性: 系统组件全面更新,SFS采用xz算法压缩,更小的体积! Linux Kernel 3.0.8 (使用无线电子的源码,重新编译) Firefox升级到最新的9.0.1...
(2011-05-25)120M的Wary Puppy 5.1.2 发布 25 May 2011 | 10:09 pm
名称:Wary Puppy 版本:512 大小:120M|105M 发布时间:2011-05-25 内核版本:2.6.32|| xorg版本:7.3; xorg-server:1.3.0 gcc版本:4.3.4; gtk+版本:2.20.1; glib版本:2.24.2; glibc版本:2.10.1 下载地址1,下载地址2,下载地址3,英文介绍,...
(2011-04-02)128MB的Lucid Puppy 5.2.5发布 3 Apr 2011 | 01:15 am
名称:Lucid Puppy 版本:525 大小:128MB 发布时间:2011-04-02 基于:ubuntu natty-11.04 + lastest woof 内核版本: xorg版本:7.5;xorg-server:1.7.6 gcc版本:4.4.3 ;glib版本:2.24.0 glibc版本:2.11.1;gtk+版本:2.20.0 下载地址1,下载...
2011 Thanksgiving Sales – Tips for You! 28 Oct 2011 | 01:41 pm
‘Twas the night after Thanksgiving, and all through the shop — no employees were stirring, in fact they hid for their lives. The sweaters were hung on the hangers with care, in hopes that the Zombie-l...
Sweater Punch 25 May 2012 | 07:01 pm
Sports news and views hot off the presses.