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Deux nouveaux cours en Community Management pour débutants et avancés 19 Aug 2013 | 02:42 pm
La rentrée arrive et tu as besoin d’acquérir les bases du Community Management ou au contraire de techniques plus avancées pour tes projets? Pas d’inquiétude, voici deux nouveaux cours qui pourraient ...
Conférence: Droits et devoirs dans l’utilisation des médias sociaux pour l’entreprise 7 Aug 2013 | 06:17 pm
C’est presque devenu une tradition, l’Association consacre sa conférence de la rentrée aux questions juridiques. Cette année nous allons nous intéresser aux droits et devoirs d’une utilisation des méd...
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Conférence SCMA : Droits et devoirs dans l’utilisation des médias sociaux pour l’entreprise 7 Aug 2013 | 07:10 pm
Organisée par la Swiss Community Managers Association, voici quelques unes des questions qui seront abordées le 24 septembre 2013 à Genève !!! Quels risques juridiques et réputationnels, quels moyens ...
Real Estate: Green Real Estate Article Category 25 May 2012 | 06:59 pm
How Do Community Management Companies Help a Community? by Johnathan D. Smith A neighborhood that is run by a homeowners association (HOA) should meet the needs of its residents, but many HOAs lack ...
Hotel Jobs - Open Posisiton List in Bandung (Part 2) 16 Jan 2012 | 01:36 am
HHRMA Hotel Career Info. Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bandung. OPEN POSITION LIST (OPL) - Januari 2012 Hotel Arion Swiss-Belhotel Bandung Dian Yunilestari (HR & GA Manager) Jl. Otto Isk...
Hotel Jobs - Open Posisiton List in Bandung (Part 2) 16 Jan 2012 | 01:55 am
HHRMA Hotel Career Info. Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bandung. OPEN POSITION LIST (OPL) - Januari 2012 Hotel Arion Swiss-Belhotel Bandung Dian Yunilestari (HR & GA Manager) Jl. Otto Isk...
Hotel Jobs - Open Posisiton List in Bandung (Part 2) 16 Jan 2012 | 01:56 am
HHRMA Hotel Career Info. Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bandung. OPEN POSITION LIST (OPL) - Januari 2012 Hotel Arion Swiss-Belhotel Bandung Dian Yunilestari (HR & GA Manager) Jl. Otto Isk...
Hotel Jobs - Open Posisiton List in Bandung (Part 2) 16 Jan 2012 | 01:51 am
HHRMA Hotel Career Info. Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bandung. OPEN POSITION LIST (OPL) - Januari 2012 Hotel Arion Swiss-Belhotel Bandung Dian Yunilestari (HR & GA Manager) Jl. Otto Isk...
“Ask The Experts” Seminar 5/14/12 4 May 2012 | 09:06 am
AN OPPORTUNITY TO ASK INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ASSOCIATION CAMS (Community Association Management Services), a certified community & condominium association management compa...
Run-On Sentences Can Create Confusion in Business Communications 9 Mar 2011 | 08:10 pm
Business professionals need to ensure they have concise and effective writing styles that communicate their meaning precisely. Many organizations, like the American Management Association, lead worksh...
10 Questions to Ask Association Management Companies 11 Jun 2012 | 03:24 am
1. How many homes (or units) does each community manager handle in your company? Throughout the industry, HOA Management Companies overload their community managers by giving them too many homeowners...
“Ask The Experts” Seminar 5/14/12 4 May 2012 | 02:06 am
AN OPPORTUNITY TO ASK INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ASSOCIATION CAMS (Community Association Management Services), a certified community & condominium association management compan...