Most sy yuan blog related news are at:

The Avengers with Nuffnang! 28 May 2012 | 09:54 pm
How have you guys been!! On 7th May, the Nuffnang Community gathered to catch “The Avengers” together!! Love awesome times like these as not only did we get to see our bloggers, we also managed to mee...
Introducing Brand New Ad Codes 20 Apr 2012 | 08:16 pm
Hello All! :) Good news!!!! Other than TGIF (Thank God it’s Friday), we are pleased to announce that Nuffnang is launching brand new Ad Codes to increase efficiency! We aim to make your blogging exp...
More sy yuan blog related news:
setelah sekian lama 3 Apr 2011 | 06:42 pm
salam.. rakan2 blogger..=) smoga sentiasa dlm rahmat Allah SWT... sudah agk lama sy xupdate blog nie..nak kata bizi xde la bizi sgt..byk dah benda yg terbuat dlm hidup ni.. sejak masuk thun 2011 sy xp...
MY 1ST POST 2 Jan 2011 | 01:27 am
Yay! Akhirnye... sy ade blog jge, weee.. ahha, Ariniey na cte cmne ley tebinenye blog niey. Kowg ase cmne? Emm... Cmne eak. hmm, hahaha, tatau ke? na tau ta? Jum! Read more »
Mau Pass... 11 Mar 2011 | 12:17 pm
rindu ruangan ni... janji sy, kalo sy lepas sem last nih based on schedule, sy akan blogging balik... sy nak blogging balik...cite banyak je kadg2... tp mase sy takde...mase sy utk academic writing, ...
khas tuk peminat yg disayangi~~ 31 May 2011 | 07:17 pm
hola!! salam semua.. ada sehat ka?? dh t'lalu lama sy meninggalkan blog ini bersendrian kan.. haish =.=' diatas permintaan peminat sy..hikhikhik..malu plak.. ada peminat ke??hahaha.. encik tahu ...
alaaaaaa terlupa laaa 23 Sep 2011 | 02:36 pm
alasan xleh btllah sy terlupa yg sy ada blog..ohohoho...macam mana bley terlupa ek..musykil2 nih.. (^ ~ ^) sekarang sibuk dengan persiapan kahwin..Insy, ujung bulan 11 rancangnya...m...
Kejohanan Catur Rapid SiriKe2 Kedah/Perlis Open 11 Jul 2009 | 10:34 pm
There is a tournament in Kedah. You can get the details and download the entry form here. For more Kedah/perlis Tournament , feel free to visit En. Syed Iskandar blog. 29 Jun 2011 | 03:34 am
assalamualaikum n3 kedua di bulan julai. wah rasa macam rajin bebenor sy menulis blog bila gini. ingin sy melakar suara hati di sini. suara hati yang mencengkam yang tidak terluah melalui kata. berch...
cerita diawal waktu.... 2 Feb 2011 | 03:54 am
salam...wahhhhh dh ade blog laaaaa aku skang nih..tq pada akak dylla coz sudi buat kan sy 1 blog khas...hahahahahaa...terharu nih.....asenye dh lme x berkarya dalam blog nih...beku je ase nye idea nih...
A Great Loss 30 Nov 2011 | 01:30 am
when was my last entry? erm..somewhere in august kan. bkn sengaja nk neglect my blog..sementara my husband went to greece for his site visitation..blh la sy update blog.. actually tgh2 bulan puasa i ...
Hey, leave ur link ya! 30 Mar 2012 | 01:00 pm
Hello girls! Terima kasih pada yg sudi follow my blog. Sudi-sudikan lah diri untuk tinggalkan link di sini; Exchange Link. Free2 nanti sy jenguk blog u all pula ya..;) Jangan lupa kenalkan diri! T.....