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Egnity / Jr. PHP - Symfony Framework Application Developers (JSFAD:01) / istanbul 23 Nov 2011 | 01:05 am
Görev Tanımı: Firmamızın geliştirdiği web, mobil ve desktop uygulamalarına ait yazılım süreçlerinde yer alacak, yeni teknolojileri denemeye ve öğrenmeye hevesli, kendini geliştirmek isteyen ve yazılı...
Symfony 1: Apache virtual host configuration 12 Feb 2010 | 04:58 am
TweetUbuntu дээр Symfony framework-ийг эхлэн суралцагчдад зориулав. Symfony 1.4 Jobeet(doctrine) жишээний эхний өдөр буюу суулгах, тохируулах хэсэгт ubuntu дээр хирхэн виртуаль хост үүсгэх талаар нэмэ...
Fix for '500 Internal Server Error' from Symfony framework - Kaltura CE installation - Kaltura Management Console 5 Apr 2012 | 01:25 am
After you do a fresh setup of Kaltura, or when you change the db settings for your kaltura configurations, you might find this error page trying to login to the KMC( Kaltura Management Console). Sayin...
Checklist to run existing Symfony framework project on other machine 7 Mar 2012 | 05:08 am
Migrating a Symfony 1.4 project from a machine to another machine would bring a hell sometimes. I have spent 4 days just to make it running. Here is some checklist for summary of what I am doing to ge...
Automaticly Copy Zend/Symfony Library to Project 24 May 2011 | 03:39 am
Zend Framework Batch file Symfony Framework Batch file Example : How Does It Work ? 1 . Save batch as what_you_want.bat, example zendme.bat then add to windows Path . 2 . Go to your project “CD M...
Ignore URL parameters when caching in Symfony 16 Nov 2012 | 08:52 pm
Most of my new sites I run are running on top of the Symfony framework. One small annoyance I run into is when caching pages, it will create a new cached file for a URL which includes a parameter tha...
Porównanie frameworków Yii, Zend Framework, Zend Framework 2, Symfony Framework oraz Symfony Framework 2 20 Dec 2012 | 07:21 pm
Postanowiłem zrobić małe porównanie frameworków. W tym celu wybrałem, te których sam używam: - Yii Framework 1.1.12 - Symfony Framework 1.4.20 - Symfony Framework 2.1.4 - Zend Framework 1.12.1 - Zend ...
Tutorial für symfony Framework 21 Jun 2013 | 02:00 am
Da bekanntlich die nächste Version von Drupal ( 8 ), auf dem PHP Framework synfony aufbaut, hab ich mal mich nach einen Turorial umgeschaut und bin auf folgendene Seite gestossen.
Infamy, Infamy It’s All Going To Symfony 12 May 2012 | 10:50 pm
So Drupal 8 is gong to have strong ties to the Symfony Framework, as beautifully explained by Dries the Drupal guiding light at the DrupalCon 2012 keynote speech. Is this Carry On Drupal in the manner...
Cakephp Application Development India Expert 3 Jan 2011 | 10:49 pm
Cakephp development India offers cakephp application development services with cakephp framework. Hire our experience cakephp developer at India PHP Expert.