Most syntax highlighter related news are at:

The Bad Luck Continues: A Rock Cracked My Viper’s Windshield 12 Aug 2013 | 10:15 am
First a cone, now a rock. My Viper can’t catch a break. Driving home from a business trip in Vancouver, Canada, a semi-truck threw a rock and it hit the bottom of my windshield, below the windshield ...
Attack Of The Cones: The Story Of How I Broke My Viper 31 Jul 2013 | 06:23 am
On July 19th, I took my Viper for a HPDE track event at The Ridge race track hosted by Hooked on Driving. For the first four sessions of the day, an instructor rode along with me while providing inpu...
More syntax highlighter related news:
JSYN - Fast and Lightweight Javascript Syntax Highlighter 18 Jan 2009 | 10:00 am
A fast and lightweight javascript syntax highlighter for simple addition to your blog or site showcasing generic code without using server-side lexical analysis.
Run Dreamweaver 8 on Windows 7 11 Dec 2010 | 12:24 am
My favourite code editor is Macromedia (not Adobe!) Dreamweaver 8 – it has coloured syntax highlighting, FTP, code hints, and an incredibly powerful search function (I especially like the ability to p...
Dark CSS theme for TYPO3 extension syntaxhighlight 5 Mar 2010 | 10:22 am
I was very impatient of the default CSS styles which comes shipped with the syntax highlight extension tx_syntaxhighlight. There is already a console style but I felt uncomfortable with it. So I searc...
GeSHi Syntax Highlighter in Joomla! 7 Jan 2012 | 10:00 am
Joomla comes with a Syntax Highlighter called GeSHi, right out of the box. The problem is, there's no documentation. Here's the scoop on using Joomla's GeSHi plugin. Read More
Python syntax highlighting in Django templates using Pygments 6 Feb 2012 | 09:14 am
Highlighting code to be placed on your site is a pretty common need that has been addressed nicely by a number of open source projects. Pygments is great, but on it's own would take you a while to...
BUEditor CSS Syntax Highlighter 19 Dec 2011 | 11:08 pm
CSS syntax highlighter uses and extends the HTML syntax highlighter. It defines a new method that highlights CSS Code, which can be used in CSS Injector's textareas. read more
BUEditor BBCode Syntax Highlighter 28 Jun 2010 | 01:39 am
BBCode syntax highlighter uses and extends the HTML syntax highlighter. It defines a new method that highlights BBCode tags as well as HTML tags. read more
BUEditor HTML Syntax Highlighter 25 Jun 2010 | 04:51 am
Browsers do not support multi-colored text in a text-area. Some attempts have been made to color the code using the technique that WYSIWYG editors are using. It is possible to integrate some of those ...
Yazılarınızın daha güzel görünmesi için: “Syntax Highlighter” 22 Apr 2012 | 08:41 am
Wordpres kullanıyorsanız ve sürekli kodlar yazıyorsanız yazılarınızda mutlaka edinmeniz gereken bir eklenti: "SyntaxHighlighter Evolved". Peki nedir bu SyntaxHighlighter. Kısaca yazdığınız kodları ren...
Syntax Highlighter for WordPress 17 Jun 2010 | 12:51 pm
最近、WordPressのプラグイン設定や使い方などを 思い出すのに苦労してるので、 コードや使い方などをメモすることにしました。 とりあえず、まずコードを見やすくしてくれるプラグインを 探していたのですが、良さそうなのをみつけたのでメモ。 [ php] [/php]で囲むだけでも表示できるようなので、 使い方もシンプルで簡単だと思います。 使い方 基本的には iG:Syntax ...