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Martin Luther's Word of Advice to Preachers 12 Feb 2011 | 08:41 pm
In a record of his table-talk, Martin Luther said this strong statement about the role of a preacher related to his message and his audience. Cursed are all preachers that in the church aim at high a...
Table Talk 7 Jun 2011 | 03:03 am
This past Sunday was our Music Sunday. It was also a communion service. We were led to the table by numerous musical contributions varying from anthems featuring the chancel and bell choirs to piano...
New Sola Blogsite 4 Aug 2010 | 10:30 am
We have added a new blogsite for information and feedback on Sola Publishing educational materials (click HERE for a link). This site, called "Sola Publishing - Table Talks" will share information on ...
Bookmarked Recipes 50 20 Apr 2009 | 11:44 am
Here’s this week's round up of Bookmarked Recipes and this week we have some more great recipes from some more great bloggers. This week’s round up is being hosted by Tami of Tami's Kitchen Table Talk...
New Range of Table Trivia 4 Apr 2011 | 09:13 am
We now have 26 different types of table trivia boxes, ideal table top additions to help your wedding day or other occasions swing! These boxes are an ideal way to get a table talking and to add a rea...
You can't scare me!!!!!!! 11 Apr 2011 | 09:48 am
I’m sitting at my kitchen table talking to my friend who doesn’t have kids.. “Mama?? Is that poop? ", asks Bad Baby I scoop up the blob of brown on the kitchen floor with a tissue… I smell it.. N...
Jada Pinkett Smith’s Red “Table Talk” Open Doors 24 May 2012 | 02:34 pm
When I first heard of this “Red Table Talk” by Jada Pinkett Smith I thought it was her way of breaking down the lies about herself and famous hubby, Will Smith. But, what I never thought was that it ...
22 New Web Projects 1 Jul 2007 | 09:44 am
We’ve just updated our web design portfolio and have 22 new projects to explore. Enjoy! Rob Paulus Architects Table Talk Healthy Weight 4 Life Barker Morrissey Community Food Bank Intuitive Lear...
Yeast Infection: Relief Using A Natural Antibiotic 23 Jul 2012 | 05:16 am
Yeast Infection: Relief Using A Natural Antibiotic The coffee table talk goes pretty very low once you whisper, “yeast infection”, but the body screams RELIEF NOW! A trip on the…
Why do we worry about money? 14 Jul 2012 | 10:58 pm
I was eating lunch recently and heard a group of guys at the next table talking about money. I’m always fascinated as to the level and depth of topics in finance chats among friends. You can tell by...