Most tango festival in seoul related news are at:

2013 Seoul Tango Festival - Latest Updates 22 Apr 2013 | 01:16 pm
Latest Updates: Registration Deadline: April 28th, Sunday Live music for the Grand Milonga (May 4th Saturday 9pm): "Koh Sangji Tango Band" will be playing live tango music for us. They are an up-and...
2013 Seoul Tango Festival - Guest Perfomances 9 Apr 2013 | 01:23 pm
Besides performances by the festival maestros there will be two other shows: International Dancers Improvisation (May 3rd Friday Retro Milonga) - Performance by 7 invited international couples. Each ...
More tango festival in seoul related news:
BEADY EYE RETURN TO KOREA 30 Mar 2012 | 03:00 pm
Beady Eye have confirmed a second festival date in the far east over the weekend of 27-29th July performing at the Jisan Valley Rock Festival in Seoul. Tickets for the three day festival are on sale ...
St. Patrick’s Day, Seoul Korea 2012 6 Mar 2012 | 03:37 am
St. Patrick's Day Festival Seoul Korea 2012 It’s March again in Korea and that means that it’s once again time for the St. Patrick’s Day Festival in Seoul. This years St. Patrick’s Day Festival i...
10. Queer Tango Festival Hamburg 2011 28 May 2011 | 12:42 am
30. Sept – 3.Okt. 2011 10. Queer Tango Festival Hamburg Festival Mozartsäle Germany, Hamburg Seit dem Jahr 2000 gibt es das Internationale Queer Tango Festival, damals das erste Ereignis dieser Ar...
14. int. Tangofestival Universotango 2011 26 May 2011 | 10:46 pm
25. – 28. August 2011 14th Hamburg International Tango Festival Festival Universo Tango Germany, Hamburg ACHTUNG: Wegen Verletzung einer Künstlerin Programmänderung! Alle Infos unter www.universot...
Party in Paris From 19.95 A Night 18 Nov 2011 | 06:53 am
Party in Paris this January and stay with St Christophers for just 19.95 a night. Dance up a storm at the Tango Festival and check out the citys top 200 clubs at Les Nuits Capitales - all from your...
Un “pezzo” dell’Argentina a Firenze 24 Apr 2012 | 10:53 pm
Il 25 aprile 2012 prende il via la decima edizione del FIRENZE TANGO FESTIVAL, un’importante occasione per celebrare con una grande festa i 10 anni di storia del tango argentino a Firenze che è divent...
St. Patrick’s Day, Seoul Korea 2012 5 Mar 2012 | 10:37 pm
It’s March again in Korea and that means that it’s once again time for the St. Patrick’s Day Festival in Seoul. This years St. Patrick’s Day Festival in Seoul will be held in the D-Cube Plaza (last ye...
2012 Seoul Tango Festival, May 1-6 5 Feb 2013 | 02:46 pm
Dear Friends, Thank you for your interests in Seoul Tango Festival. This year's festival will take place on May 1-6, 2013. We are going to announce the maestros, DJs, performers, and program shortly....
2013 Seoul Tango Festival - Map & Venues 7 Feb 2013 | 12:41 pm
Map The general area of the festival is located around Garosu-Gil (Garosu Street) in Sinsa-Dong (新沙洞, 신사동). It is one of the most lively and dynamic areas in Seoul, with plenty of restaurants, coffee...
2013 Seoul Tango Festival - Hotel & Transportation 7 Feb 2013 | 11:29 am
Hotels Discounted rooms at Young Dong Hotel for festival participants are being negotiated at the moment. Details will be announced shortly. Young Dong Hotel (website) Festival discount prices: Si...