Most tao cuisine sunway giza related news are at:
– YsquareC
Ysquare Photoblog 27: Busy busy busy until no time to have a proper meal.... 7 Jan 2012 | 04:00 am
I tell YOU! It's really not that I don't blog. I did went to some events, but I just really not time for everything. Test, assignment, Viva/thesis, project, exam etc.... I have never be so BUSY in ...
Ysquare Photoblog 27: Busy busy busy until no time to have a proper meal.... 6 Jan 2012 | 11:00 pm
I tell YOU! It's really not that I don't blog. I did went to some events, but I just really not time for everything. Test, assignment, Viva/thesis, project, exam etc.... I have never be so BUSY in ...
More tao cuisine sunway giza related news:
My Big 22nd Birthday @ Tao Cuisine, Sunway Giza 3 Jun 2013 | 08:58 am
Yay!!! My birthday!! Hohoho I am so blessed with lots of birthday wishes in fb and also my frens and family and baobei gorr!! I had 2 celebrations before my exact day with Joey and my uni frens :))) A...