Most tapas restaurant va related news are at:

Paella Festival — September 15 Aug 2013 | 08:55 pm
Paella Festival – September 2013 In September, we are celebrating Spain’s most famous dish — paella! Check out some of the great things happening at all La Tasca locations from September 1-30th! .....
Paella Class and Dinner 13 Aug 2013 | 08:38 pm
New! Paella Making Class and Dinner! Please join us at La Tasca – DC on August 29th for a very special evening — an encore of our summertime “Sangria Making and Tapas Dinner.” It’s a great opportunit...
More tapas restaurant va related news:
What’s new in the lunchbox? 14 Jun 2011 | 01:31 am
We’ve updated our onsite blog with more merriment to brighten up your workday. We’ve all the info on a new initiative, the Tapas Trail Dublin has going across 5 different Tapas restaurants, we’ve the...
B44: A Pop Up Restaurant 27 Jan 2012 | 01:01 pm
January 25, 2012, San Antonio Daniel Olivella Back to Central Market Cooking School for another class. Tonight featured Daniel Olivella, the chef and owner of two tapas restaurants in the San Franc...
Super Pan Latino Sandwich Shop 2 Nov 2010 | 01:00 am
I recently had a chance to visit the sandwich shop so many seem to be raving about, Super Pan in Poncey-Highland. In a little space just behind his popular tapas restaurant Pura Vida, chef Hector San...
Restaurant Aubert 31 Jul 2009 | 10:01 pm
Strada Garnitei nr.5, sector 4 Aubert Restaurant va pune la dispozitie locatii proprii potrivite pentru orice fel de eveniment : Mese Organizate Receptii Dineuri Aniversari Reuniuni de Clasa Mese Fest...
Firefly @ the Plaza 18 Dec 2009 | 09:02 am
Finally made it into the new Firefly tapas restaurant at the Plaza on Fremont Street. Pretty cool (and famous) location...Yes, the food was as good as the Paradise location!
Spanish Night: Quick & Easy Tapas Recipes 26 Feb 2012 | 07:00 pm
Recreate an authentic Spanish tapas experience at home with these simple recipes. Tapas restaurants outside of Spain tend to offer complex, time-consuming food creations, but Spain's own tapas te...
@PintxosKw: Spanish Tapas & More 22 Aug 2013 | 02:44 pm
Pintxos is the first Spanish Tapas restaurant in Kuwait. The concept is simple and sweet, for people to enjoy delicious tapas in a comforting atmosphere with their friends and family. There are also a... 17 Aug 2013 | 05:51 pm
Multicultural nurse in Britain A nurse had sex with a patient after romancing her over a meal at a tapas restaurant while she was being treated for a mental breakdown, a tribunal has today heard. Ke...
Discover Fabulos India in noul sezon la Taj Restaurant! 13 Jan 2012 | 01:49 am
O suita de noi evenimente va vor capta atentia in acest sezon la Taj Restaurant , noi calatorii intr-o lume fabuloasa, fragranta, plina de mister si necunoscute, dar in acelasi timp o lume care se las...
Els reis del Raval. 22 Dec 2009 | 12:04 am
Dissabte al migdia vem dinar en un restaurant de la Plaça Reial. Només entaular-nos, la persona què ens va acompanyar als nostres seients ens va proposar que destinessim un euro de cada àpat a un proj...