Most task calendar related news are at:

Antisec, FBI, and the Apple Device ID Security Breach 5 Sep 2012 | 11:52 pm
Deny, deny, deny. Today, the hacker group known as Antisec published about 1 million compromised Apple user device IDs (UDID) claiming the source was an FBI laptop. Antisec says they have over 12 mill...
Antisec, FBI, and the Apple Device ID Security Breach 5 Sep 2012 | 11:52 pm
Deny, deny, deny. Today, the hacker group known as Antisec published about 1 million compromised Apple user device IDs (UDID) claiming the source was an FBI laptop. Antisec says they have over 12 mill...
More task calendar related news:
Ajaxel CRM - new product from Ajaxel! 28 Dec 2011 | 06:55 am
I have developed new software for a week wich is called customer relationship manager (CRM), it's very fast working and very useful for sales. Client's list, sending email letters, tasks, calendar, ho...
Repair Outlook PST and OST files with a highly efficient and fast Outlook recovery tool. Outlook Recovery Wizard will help you restore emails, tasks, calendar entries, notes, contacts and other object...
Currently Under Investigation: Resetting Zimbra IMAP/notes/calendar/tasks password on iPhone hozes profiles ??? 26 Jun 2013 | 08:15 am
My iPhone (native mail, tasks, calendar, and address book) works perfectly with my Zimbra server. (PS. Encourage everyone to have one of their own; more trustworthy and functional than your garden ema...
BusyCal Turns 2.5 20 Aug 2013 | 04:03 am
Today marks the release of BusyCal 2.5. This update is huge if you are using Exchange or Office 365 in that it includes full calendar sync. It supports Exchange Calendars and Tasks, calendar sharing, ...
Virtual RE BarCamp April 6th, 2010 2 Apr 2010 | 07:52 am
What is a Virtual BarCamp? On Tuesday, April 6th, 2010, the Real Estate Tomato will be hosting a virtual event with 28 great presentations. Mark your calendars from 9-4 PST. Each presentation will be...
Journal: Wallpaper and icons for Alfa-Bank 6 Jul 2011 | 09:20 pm
Alfa-Bank decided to please its clients, partners and employees with beautiful computer wallpaper and icons and approached us with this task. Alfa means first, — we thought and decided to devote the...
Clean that Closet Challenge 8 May 2010 | 06:59 pm
Image via Wikipedia Let’s be honest, cleaning out the closet isn’t exactly an idea that thrills most people, but it’s a task most of us try to tackle during spring cleaning. With this in mind, Space ...
E-mail and SMS notification 20 May 2011 | 12:07 am
The Easy Cool Calendar gadget, if connected to Google Calendar, let you now configure e-mail or SMS reminder delay. For the SMS reminder, open your Google Calendar settings, then in the “Mobile setup”...
New time picker 13 Feb 2011 | 03:47 am
The Easy Cool Calendar gadget get a new time picker, easy to use and which allows you to select time more precisely. It’s displayed whenever you click inside the field or on the icon. Click then on th...
Recurrence options of events 5 Feb 2011 | 05:37 am
In the Easy Cool Calendar, recurrence rules of the events are richer now. Here are some examples of what you can define: This event occurs 8 times every other day: This event occurs every Monday, Wedn...