Most tate publishing scam related news are at:

A Writer's Life Has Moved 25 May 2013 | 10:32 pm
Thank you for visiting "A Writer's Life." All of my old posts are still here...but I've moved my blog to my all-new website: Click on MY BLOG when you get there and you'll find all...
Spenser is Back 11 May 2013 | 06:15 am
With WONDERLAND, Ace Atkins flawlessly captures Parker's narrative voice and has written the best Spenser novel in his years. It reads like Parker in his prime, and even without Hawk appearing in the ...
More tate publishing scam related news:
Three Fugitives: Book One of the ‘Six Stones Trilogy’ 18 Feb 2012 | 03:40 am
Three Fugitives, the exciting first book in the Six Stones Trilogy is available for purchase from Tate Publishing. Click on the following link: Three Fugitives in Book Store or read the first three ...
When I Was Born written by Isabel Minhós Martins,illustrated... 12 Feb 2013 | 04:19 pm
When I Was Born written by Isabel Minhós Martins, illustrated by Madalena Matoso Tate Publishing 2010 We’ve read some crazy, trippy stories to our children, full of talking hippos flying to the moo...
When I Was Born written by Isabel Minhós Martins,illustrated... 12 Feb 2013 | 04:19 pm
When I Was Born written by Isabel Minhós Martins, illustrated by Madalena Matoso Tate Publishing 2010 We’ve read some crazy, trippy stories to our children, full of talking hippos flying to the moo...
Seeing God in the Simple Things by Katherine Weaver 22 Jul 2013 | 06:00 pm
Weaver, Katherine. Seeing God in the Simple Things. Mustang: Tate Publishing, 2012. 164 pp. $10.99. Purchase at Amazon for less. Introduction/Summary Katherine serves as the administrative assist...
Review of ‘Right Turns’ by Dick Hardy 21 Aug 2013 | 10:18 pm
Dick Hardy, Right Turns: 30 Navigational Decisions Leading Pastors Make in Growing the Church (Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing, 2013). $12.99, 184 pages. Paperback / Kindle Dick Hardy is a personal fri...
The Alliance of Independent Authors – a Q&A with Orna Ross 24 Jun 2013 | 10:47 pm
When I cover publishers behaving badly, self-publishing scams, or authors’ rights, I always get asked if there is an organization which advocates for self-publishers. The general feeling seems to be ...
Update for tjoseph73 30 May 2012 | 06:43 pm
tjoseph73 published a blog post Blog Marketing and Scams - Basically is just a web based journal
4XPIPSNAGER 8 Mar 2012 | 10:17 am
Hello Dear visitors; Today we published another positive “4xPipsnager Review” submitted by our product test group. If you consider that 4xPipsnager is just another scam, we highly recomme...
Email security and tips to protect your computer 6 Oct 2007 | 02:13 am
Email service is often abused because of its democratic nature. When user publishes email address as text on the website it takes only a few days for pharmaceutical, scam or other type of email spam t...
Domain Blocking Will Encourage Yet More Fraud and Scams 31 Dec 2011 | 10:30 pm
Just before Christmas the MPAA published a blog post which looked at DNS filtering, why apparently it’s a good thing, and how it won’t break the Internet. “There is nothing new about the techniques o...