Most tcp-z related news are at:

Universal Theme Patcher Open Source Now! 30 May 2009 | 04:46 am
Because I have no free time to update these patch for a few months, so I plan to open the source code of the "Universal Theme Patcher". The source code includes a console program for demo the patch e...
My blog will be frozen in next few months 30 May 2009 | 04:25 am
I can not reply all comments, I would like to say sorry to those friends who have written a message here. Because: 1) Blogger has been blocked by FW. I am very difficult to open the site, even if I u...
More tcp-z related news:
简单设置无线路由器防止蹭网卡,提高无线局域网稳定性 16 Dec 2011 | 12:02 am
如果你使用无线路由器,玩网游,你会发现网络不稳定,很多事情ping值非常高。 无论你使用什么路由器都有这样的状况。 默认情况下无线路由器支持很多种速率,很多种协议。 通常有 支持的标准和协议:IEEE802.3、IEEE802.3u、IEEE802.3x、TCP/IP、DHCP、ICMP 、NAT、PPPoE、IEEE802.11b、IEEE802.11g、IEEE802.11n、IEEE...
TCP port monitor 8 Apr 2011 | 03:51 pm
Are you looking for tcp port monitor service ? Yeah, for those who do not know what is TCP, its mean Transmission Control Protocol, it is one of the many port, a port is an application-specific or pro...
Limitando las conexiones entrantes con IPtables 13 Jul 2011 | 08:39 pm
Perfecto para servidores de correo, securizar SSH, etc Ejemplo para SSH iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state N...
Accediendo a una red mediante NAT en Linux 8 Oct 2011 | 04:22 am
En las últimas entradas he tratado bastante de cómo acceder a nodos de una red remota por “métodos no estándar”: Creando túneles TCP/IP (port forwarding) con SSH: Los 8 escenarios posibles usando Ope...
VPN con OpenSSH 6 Nov 2010 | 03:48 am
Tras Creando túneles TCP/IP (port forwarding) con SSH: Los 8 escenarios posibles usando OpenSSH y Reenvío dinámico de puertos / montar un servidor SOCKS con SSH, puede ser buena idea hablar de cómo cr...
Who are we? 9 Aug 2009 | 09:32 am
ITSol is a team with high experience in telecom market. Each of our members worked in telecommunication environment for at least 8 years. Some of our members have worked in networking before TCP/IP an...
Detectia sistemului de operare 27 Sep 2007 | 06:58 pm
Una dintre cele mai cunoscute facilitati ale Nmap o reprezinta detectarea de la distanta a sistemului de operare folosind amprentele stivei TCP/IP. Nmap trimite o serie de pachete TCP si UDP la calcul...
Mengubah DNS 23 Oct 2011 | 10:14 am
Bagaimana cara mengubah DNS ? 1.buka "View Netcwork Connections" 2.Klik kanan / klik 2x "Local Area Connection" 3.klik 2x pada "internet protocol (TCP/IP)" 4.pilih pada bagian "use following DNS s...
LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 30 Mar 2012 | 03:14 pm
O LDAP é um protocolo da camada de aplicação que roda sobre TCP/IP, na porta 389, utilizado para pesquisar e atualizar diretórios. Um diretório LDAP geralmente segue o padrão X.500, que é uma arvore d...
CS-69 TCP/IP Programming 13 Apr 2009 | 04:47 pm
Ans 1 (i)What Is DNS? In this section Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the industry-standard suite of protocols that comprise TCP/IP. Microsoft Windows Server 2003. DNS is implemented using two soft...