Most tdm macau related news are at:

英國制訂向敘利亞動武緊急計劃 27 Aug 2013 | 05:03 pm
(澳門電台消息)英國正制訂軍事介入敘利亞的緊急計劃,回應敘利亞局勢。首相卡梅倫將於明日召開國家安全會議,與國會議員、軍事情報高官等開會商討。 較早前,卡梅倫分別與美國、加拿大、法國、德國和俄羅斯領導人通電話。卡梅倫及美國總統奧巴馬同意,一旦核實敘利亞政府使用化學武器,將嚴肅回應。 另一方面,敘利亞外長穆阿利姆反駁使用化學武器指控,又警告西方國家一旦發動軍事行動,敘利亞將採取一切途徑捍衛。(梁舒...
日警拘3中國人涉偽造“在留卡” 27 Aug 2013 | 04:49 pm
(澳門電台消息)日本東京警方以違反《入管難民法》為由,拘捕3名中國籍男子,他們涉嫌偽造在留卡,另有1名中國籍男子在逃。 日本共同社引述警方透露,涉案的4人是在留卡偽造集團成員。今年1月後,4人應非法逗留的外國人要求,非法出售約330張偽造在留卡,獲利約1,150萬日圓,即近90萬澳門元。 在留卡由日本入國管理局向在日本逗留超過3個月的外國人發放,這是日本國內首次查獲在留卡偽造集團。(廖冬韻 梁...
More tdm macau related news:
Luxe Macau Hotels 28 May 2011 | 12:00 am
Travelers who are working on limited funds can explore Macau without spending a fortune. But, it is also the ideal place for tourists who are looking for a piece of heaven on earth no matter the price...
Macau Allows Lessened Q4 Loss for MGM 15 Feb 2011 | 06:52 am
MGM Resorts exceeded analyst expectations by reporting a smaller loss in the fourth quarter, as its Grand Macau success outpaced losses in the rest of the world. While Las Vegas continues to show mino...
Update on Ho Holdings Drama 26 Jan 2011 | 06:50 am
Yesterday we reported that billionaire Macau gambling magnate Stanley Ho had finalized the division of his empire among his wives and children. While accurate in most respects, it turns out that Stanl...
weekend di macau 14 Jun 2009 | 10:40 pm
Weekend saya di Macau agak berkesan, walaupun hujan selalu turun siang harinya. Sewaktu antri di ruang tunggu Ferry Terminal di Sun Tak centre Hong Kong, saya sempat berkenalan dengan seorang gadis A...
$1.5 Billion Hong Kong IPO Planned by MGM Macau Casino 24 May 2011 | 11:27 pm
Porto, Portugal MGM will become majority shareholders in the MGM Grand to be in command of Macau Casino. The deal will take MGM’s stake in the resort to 51%, which was beforehand a joint undertaking b...
Pengambilan Graduan Untuk ATM 7 Aug 2009 | 02:58 pm
Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) kini menawarkan peluang kerjaya kepada graduan yang berkelayakan untuk mengisi jawatan kosong yang diperuntukkan dalam Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM), Tentera Laut Diraja...
Sports Betting in Macau - Winning Streak 29 Jan 2012 | 08:55 am
Ever since gambling was legalized there, Macau has become a major world hotspot for high stakes poker games, casino gambling and yes, sport betting too. Poker is truly thriving in Macau: there's a hig...
[120310] Yesung Fancam @ SS4 Macau 16 Mar 2012 | 01:32 pm
credit: gureumsori0824
[120310] Super Junior Yesung Solo@SS4 in Macau 13 Mar 2012 | 04:44 pm
credit:hellosn112 credit:BaiduWoonBar
Once upon a time in China Plus HK & Macau 27 Mar 2010 | 04:16 am
Disneyland Resort Hongkong The adventure dimulai pd tgl 21 Jan’10, berangkat jam 18.00 dr home base di jemur meluncur ke bandara, ternyata flight delay, dan baru take off jam 20.30. dengan pesawat ai...