Most tedx maastricht related news are at:

The war on Wikipedia – How did we ever make it to 7 billion people? 23 Aug 2013 | 04:25 pm
According to this map on wikipedia, there are ten major wars going on at the moment. Asia and Africa take first and second place, and the surprise bronze medal winner is Mexico and its drug wars. (Yay...
How Millennials can get us through this millennium 18 Aug 2013 | 05:43 pm
“9 Billion and YOU!” One important key word in this year’s theme is the last one: you. Who is you? Well, it’s you. But it’s also you. And you. And me. Confusing, isn’t it? As a matter of fact, the wor...
More tedx maastricht related news:
Pessimism or realism: The future of healthcare costs 10 Jul 2013 | 08:19 pm
“Is technology the answer to the rising costs of healthcare?” (TEDx Maastricht 2011- Wouter Bos) Party pooper, that’s how Wouter Bos, former Dutch Minister of Finance appointed Chairman of the Board ...
Pessimism or realism: The future of healthcare costs 10 Jul 2013 | 08:19 pm
“Is technology the answer to the rising costs of healthcare?” (TEDx Maastricht 2011- Wouter Bos) Party pooper, that’s how Wouter Bos, former Dutch Minister of Finance appointed Chairman of the Board ...
In cooperation with the Dutch Railways, TEDx Maastricht presents a unique initiative: the TEDx BrainTrain. The basic principle is to use the train as a platform for inspiring TEDx talks with travelers...
Prof. Dr. Luc Soete – Rector Magnificus of the Maastricht University 6 Jul 2013 | 01:39 am
The first TEDx Maastricht 2013 film is almost ready for distribution. Prof. Dr. Luc Soete – Rector Magnificus of the Maastricht University – has some interesting insights on the phenomena of TED. And ...
June 19 – Speakers Pitch Night- Filmhuis Lumière – Tickets now for sale 13 Jun 2013 | 04:41 pm
Would you like to get an exclusive preview of what you can expect from TEDx Maastricht 2013? Leading up to the main event on September 4th, a Speaker Pitch-Night will be organized to select local spea...
Joaquim Caracas no TEDx Fortaleza 22 May 2012 | 09:13 am
O Eng. Joaquim Caracas, sócio fundador da empresa Protensão Impacto Ltda foi convidado a participar do TEDx Fortaleza. Esse evento será realizado no dia 10/06/12. Foram escolhidos 15 palestrantes dos ...
Next Mingle Maastricht: 5 juni 2012 15 May 2012 | 10:31 pm
Get in the mood to mingle Next Mingle Maastricht: 5 juni 2012 KamaSutra for Business Pleasure U heeft het goed gelezen. De KamaSutra kan jou als manager of ondernemer helpen om succesvoller te word...
Investering in congreswerving levert Maastricht 25 internationale congressen op 27 May 2011 | 07:32 pm
De investering van de gemeente Maastricht op het gebied van zakelijk toerisme is succesvol gebleken. Maastricht wilde de afgelopen drie jaar minstens tien internationale, meerdaagse congressen of even...
Eng. Bassam participates in TEDx Arabia 24 Nov 2010 | 02:51 am
Eng. Bassam participates in TEDx Arabia with a presentation about “The Innovation Process” We Are trying to answer our big Question What is Innovation ? by supporting IDEAs Worth Spreading and Doin...
Why you will fail to have a great career [Video] TEDx by Larry Smith 20 May 2012 | 10:19 am
This TED talk stood out recently. On Sunday March 11, 2012, Larry Smith’s TEDxUW Talk was featured on the front page of TED and included in their archives of great ideas worth spreading. A brilliantly...