Most tedx taipei related news are at:

行動 2.0 23 Aug 2013 | 10:03 am
Are you are leader or follower?無論你是前者還是後者,最重要的是參與其中。 我們活在ㄧ個 “人人皆是媒體 (everyone is media)“的年代。社群媒體的興起讓每個人都有發聲的機會,以前的媒體注重傳播 (broadcasting),內容控制 (content control),現在的社群媒體則是分散 (distributed),去中心化(decentral...
為肯亞女性開創求學機會 23 Aug 2013 | 08:21 am
性別平等一直是近代社會努力的目標,尊重兩性並保護他們享有的人權。對於我們而言,女性受教育是一件理所當然的事,然而在非洲許多小女孩在青春期就被指定婚配對象、成為妻子,無法上學。學校創辦人Kakenya Ntaiya透過分享自己的經歷,希望更多人開始改變自己身處的社會,為下一代開創更好的未來。 Kakenya Ntaiya是非洲肯亞的馬賽族。在馬賽族裡,男孩長大都要當戰士,而女孩長大則要當母親。大多...
More tedx taipei related news:
A Trip to Taipei (Sylvia's first post) 9 Jun 2010 | 06:51 pm
SYLVIA @ TAIPEI Although Taiwan was not open for individual tourist from mainland China, I was so lucky to have an interesting trip there as a Hong Kong resident. Surprisingly, you will find Taipei ...
PNY Launches M1 Attaché USB Flash drive 16 Nov 2011 | 05:39 am
This tiny stylish drive is shock-resistant and waterproof. Taipei, Taiwan – November 2011 –PNY Technologies a leading designer, manufacturer, and supplier of memory upgrade modules, today announced t...
Yozosoft participated in the software and IC 2011 cross-strait summit 1 Dec 2011 | 11:32 pm
By the Wuxi municipal government, the provincial committee, Taipei Computer Association and the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association’s “2011 Software and Integrated Circuit Cross-Strait Summit” o...
Joaquim Caracas no TEDx Fortaleza 22 May 2012 | 09:13 am
O Eng. Joaquim Caracas, sócio fundador da empresa Protensão Impacto Ltda foi convidado a participar do TEDx Fortaleza. Esse evento será realizado no dia 10/06/12. Foram escolhidos 15 palestrantes dos ...
Eng. Bassam participates in TEDx Arabia 24 Nov 2010 | 02:51 am
Eng. Bassam participates in TEDx Arabia with a presentation about “The Innovation Process” We Are trying to answer our big Question What is Innovation ? by supporting IDEAs Worth Spreading and Doin...
HTC Declines to 5-Month Low After U.S. Shipment Delay 16 May 2012 | 08:20 pm
HTC Corps HTC Corp. (2498), Asia’s second-largest smartphone maker, declined to the lowest level in five months in Taipei trading after shipments to the U.S. were delayed because of concerns by the c...
Lovely Taiwan @ 2 25 Apr 2012 | 01:05 am
We spent our 2nd day in TaiChung city. As Taichung is not as convenient as Taipei, which having a comprehensive MRT system. The only public transport to travel around Taichung will be Bus and Taxi (co...
7 Tempat Unik Paling Populer di Taipei 30 May 2012 | 03:40 am
(, ditulis pada jam 3:40 pm) Pusat Informasi Online – Taipei, Taiwan, adalah salah satu kota paling menarik untuk dikunjungi. Ini adalah rumah bagi berbagai atraksi dan situs, sepert...
PACE International Union Members to Begin Hunger Strike in Taiwan 3 Jan 2011 | 09:36 pm
PACE International Union Members to Begin Hunger Strike in Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan (PRWEB) June 13, 2004 Five members of the Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical an...
Why you will fail to have a great career [Video] TEDx by Larry Smith 20 May 2012 | 10:19 am
This TED talk stood out recently. On Sunday March 11, 2012, Larry Smith’s TEDxUW Talk was featured on the front page of TED and included in their archives of great ideas worth spreading. A brilliantly...