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FFindr got updated to 5.0.13 7 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
FFindr just received a little summer update with a bunch of improvements and bug fixes. The most interesting improvements are: Players can now be filtered by sanction, e.g. by DFV-Mitglied 201" or EU...
United States of Ultimate: FFindr at the ESRI User Conference 2013 28 Jul 2013 | 03:00 am
Nathaniel Morton (@n8morton on Twitter), an Ultimate Frisbee player, attended the ESRI User Conference this year on July 6-12th in San Diego. At the conference were close to 15,000 GIS software users,...
More tel aviv ultimate frisbee related news:
Tel Aviv mayor: Jewish law would turn Israel into Iran 29 Apr 2012 | 07:25 pm
Ultra-Orthodox majority would turn Israel into fundamentalist state like Saudi Arabia, Tel Aviv Mayor Huldai says, insists that city will ultimately offer public transportation on Shabbat 19 Vote(s)
Jewish Supremacists, Homosexuality and Divide and Conquer 22 Aug 2013 | 03:39 pm
The announcement in Israel’s Haaretz newspaper that that a new memorial to “homosexuals persecuted by the Nazis” will be built in Tel Aviv at a cost of $42,000 (no doubt ultimately financed by the Ame...