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Bir HTML şablonunda Facebook Yorum Sayısı Jetonunu Saklamak 27 Dec 2011 | 06:08 am
Android İncelemeleri websitesinde Facebook Yorum eklentisini kullanıyorum. Bu eklenti ile site ziyaretçileri Facebook hesaplarını kullanarak siteye yorum ekleyebiliyor. Ayrıca FB Comment Count özelliğ...
Ajax Alkmaar Kaleci'ye Saldıran Taraftar, Kırmızı Kart ve Sonrası... 22 Dec 2011 | 11:56 am
NTV'de Spor gecesi programında ilk kez duyduğum olay Türkiye'deki olayları pek de aratmıyor... Detaylar için ekteki görüntüleri izleyebilirsiniz... AZ kalecisi kendisine saldırmaya çalışan taraftara k...
More telerik related news:
Tomorrow at Atlanta Code Camp 2012 19 May 2012 | 12:52 pm
Tomorrow is Atlanta Code Camp 2012 at Southern Polytechnic State University, and I started planning my day out. Telerik shipped me a giant box of swag to give away, so I’ll be hanging out at the booth...
Telerik Insiders’ Summit 2 Feb 2012 | 06:22 am
I have been a Telerik Insider for a while now ( Which in my case mostly means that I have a strong relationship with the guys from Telerik, especially h...
Telerik announces (yet another) .NET refactoring tool 4 Dec 2009 | 05:17 am
Does this say anything about refactoring adoption among .NET developers? Maybe. It definitely says something about Microsoft refactoring tools state of the art (thanks Jeff). Refactoring support in Vi... Treeview dotted line not visible 15 Jun 2011 | 11:30 pm
Today i came across strange problem of treeview webcontrol. I prefer to use Telerik/infragistics tree instead of treeview control. but this time i had to use it. , Dotted line for firs...
an agile evening with stephen forte 12 Jan 2012 | 11:00 am
we just finished a great evening with agile talk by stephen forte, chief strategy officer at telerik and on the board of the scrum alliance here at the somewhere in… office. hasan (our head of techn...
JetBrains y Telerik Liberan .NET Decompilers gratuitos - dotPeek y JustDecompile 4 Jun 2011 | 08:23 am
Con el Anuncio hecho por RedGate, de liberar su decompilador de forma gratuita (Reflector, un viejo conocido en los desarrolladores de .NET), JetBrains y Telerik han decidido seguir la misma vía. ......
RadEditor for SharePoint MOSS 2007 21 Feb 2010 | 12:45 pm
If you have a SharePoint site, you need a better editor! Telerik offers a free RadEditor text control and a paid-for upgraded control. In either case, once you install the control you may notice that...
ASP MVC 3rd Party Controls 30 Sep 2011 | 10:37 am
If you are looking for MVC Ajax controls to speed up application development, here are a few good ones, I think the best are Telerik, not free free about USD...
The Future of Telerik Watch 8 Feb 2012 | 03:20 am
This post is long overdue. For some time now, many of you have probably noticed that the volume of my blogging on Telerik Watch has started to diminish. In all of 2011, I published only 45 posts, comp...
Shift in 2012 Telerik Release Schedule 2 Feb 2012 | 11:10 am
"Swooosh…." That's the sound of me blowing the dust off of my old friend, Telerik Watch. For my loyal audience, many of whom joined me in 2006 before I joined Telerik, thanks for sticking around! I'm...