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Une vidéo de Jupiter à télécharger 31 Jul 2007 | 02:20 am
La page "vidéos" du site vous propose un film exceptionnel de Jupiter réalisé par Jean-Yves Beninger avec un télescope Meade LX200 12" depuis Singapour. La vidéo est disponible sur la page vidéos. Ju...
A Meade Telescope Offer Unbeatable Performance At Best money saving deals 1 May 2012 | 06:32 am
Often, the first name that pops into a user’s thoughts are that of Meade telescopes and also the cause of this is the fact that Meade is well known for selling quality telescopes at reasonable prices,...
The Launch of Explore Scientific, LLC is Announced at the Astronomical League Conference (ALCON) 18 Jan 2012 | 04:18 am
Laguna Hills, Calif. (PRWEB) July 22, 2008 Astronomy outreach enthusiast and former VP of Meade Instruments, Scott W. Roberts, announced his return to the telescope manufacturing industry with the lau...
Welcome - Anonymous User 11 Jun 2009 | 01:20 am
About Us Observe the Universe for yourself using a professional robotic telescope The National Schools' Observatory provides schools in the UK and Ireland with free access to the Liverpool Teles...
Liebherr Cranes on ConstructionTradex UK 27 Jun 2011 | 03:46 am
For several decades Liebherr, the German multinational, has been building a vast array of mobile cranes featuring telescoping or lattice booms on wheeled or crawler-tracked undercarriages, aimed at be...
Patru planete noi descoperite fără telescop 5 Jan 2011 | 06:29 am
Un astronom amator din Marea Britanie a descoperit patru exoplanete noi, fără a deţine un telescop, potrivit unui studiu publicat în Astrophysical Journal şi preluat de Peter Jalowic...
More gloom for UK astronomy 11 Mar 2008 | 01:07 am
Just weeks after the UK's involvement in the Gemini telescopes was reinstated, and UK astronomy suffers another blow at the hands of STFC in the latest announcement that the e-MERLIN project, an array... 25 Sep 2012 | 09:47 am
UK's 1st Web based Astronomical Group. Free Membership with free monthly eZine 'Look Up!'. Practical Astronomy with 10 telescopes for use at dark sky sites across Hampshire, and involved with Free Pub...
Speaker lands at space conference 25 Dec 2012 | 02:08 pm
Don't Pay For Your Electricity!Published December 20, 2012. The UK’s representative behind the project to build the largest ground-based optical and infrared telescope in the world is to be a speaker ...
Heavy Duty 1.78m Extendable Telescopic Brush Multi-Directional Jet Wash Adapter at a reduced price of: £8 at 25 Jun 2013 | 05:52 pm
Clean windows or vehicles outside with ease and convenience, using the Your Home Telescopic Brush. The lightweight aluminium telescopic hose brush allows you to reach higher, difficult places to clean...