Most telnet beenden related news are at:

MySQL-Kennwort vergessen! Was nun? 5 Jul 2013 | 02:58 pm
Ab und zu passiert es jedem einmal. Das Kennwort für den root-User von MySQL ist vergessen. Wie man das Kennwort zurücksetzt habe jetzt ich in meinem Wiki hinterlegt:
Zufällige MAC-Adresse für XEN VMs erzeugen 7 Mar 2013 | 08:19 pm
weil es so praktisch ist und ich es immer mal wieder brauche hier ein kleiner Generator für zufällige Macadressen für XEN-VMs. Nützlich z.B. beim Klonen vorhandener Server oder
More telnet beenden related news:
How to login to your server using SSH in PuTTY. 15 Apr 2012 | 01:37 pm
PuTTY is a free telnet and open source terminal emulator. I often use PuTTY to connect to my server for some reasons like creating a backup files, running simple scripts, deleting, moving files, and e...
CCNA Exploration 1 : Network Fundamentals (Version 4.0)(Chapter 3) 22 May 2012 | 03:42 am
1. What application layer protocol is commonly used to support for file transfers between a client and a server? • HTML • HTTP • FTP • Telnet 2. What are two forms of application layer software? (Cho...
Protocols on Process/Application Layer 5 May 2012 | 11:28 am
Telnet Telnet is the special protocol on application protocol. It allows a user on a remote client machine called telnet client. To access the other machine called telnet server. File Transfer Protoco...
E-Server 専用レンタルサーバー 6 Apr 2012 | 06:54 pm
E-serverでは、セキュリティ対策をほどこしたサーバを提供し、初期状態でSPAMの踏み台にならない POP before SMTP も設定済みです。また、セキュリティを高めるため、telnet・ftpのポートは初期状態では開放せず、最初のサーバへのログインはSSHにて行います。 データベースはPostgreSQL・MySQLの2種類をセットアップしてあります。Webと連携するperl・php...
TELNET (in Router) 24 Apr 2012 | 06:27 am
TELNET (in Router)
CCNA Exploration 1: Network Fundamentals – Chapter 3 Exam 5 Jun 2011 | 12:34 am
01. What application layer protocol is commonly used to support for file transfers between a client and a server? HTML HTTP FTP Telnet 02. What are two forms of application layer software? (Choos...
SP service 5 Nov 2011 | 09:14 pm
در یافت برنامه برای ویندوزهای (لینک جدید افزوده شد) XP / VISTA / 7 = 32 and 64 bit این سرویس بطور همزمان سرویسهای زیر را حمایت میکند TELNET - SSL/SSTP - PPTP - L2TP - FTP PROXY - WEB PROXY - SOCKS...
Kerberos authentication made easy on OpenVMS 16 May 2012 | 08:15 pm
In the OpenVMS Technical Journal – V18 April 2012 there is an article about adding Kerberos authentication to your OpenVMS systems for telnet and ssh: Kerberos authentication made easy on OpenVMS (pdf...
Better Terminal Emulator Pro 21 Nov 2011 | 08:53 am
BTEP is definitely an superior multi-session Terminal Emulator and SSH client for your mobile phone, tablet and also Google TV. You’ll find it supports Telnet and FTP. Unleash the command line potenti...
Exim alternate port 587 8 Dec 2011 | 11:37 am
Nowadays, most of the ISP’s are blocking the port 25 case that can be simply tested by establishing a telnet connection on port 25: $ telnet 25 Trying… telnet: Unab...