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Novi sajt za upoznavanje 12 May 2012 | 10:27 am
Online upoznavanje je prava revolucija za tradicionalne oblike upoznavanja. Živimo u umreženom svetu, a komunikacija između ljudi koji traže srodne duše nikada nije bila lakša. Sajtovi za upoznavanje ...
Problematične ultrabook cene 13 Mar 2012 | 06:29 pm
Acer je jedan od proizvođača koji su do sada pokušali da se fokusiraju na ultrabook računare. Međutim, ovaj pokušaj je do sada bio dosta neuspešan kada je reč o ostvarenju profita za kompaniju na ovim...
More test pc performance related news:
How To Test Website Performance From Multiple Geographic Locations 24 May 2011 | 07:09 am
Speed of the webpages is one of the factors to determine how better your website in the market compared to your competitors. Here is a free and easy-to-use tool which can help you determine the speed ...
Software - Max PC Booster 2010 v1.0.0.007 24 Mar 2010 | 11:54 am
Software - Max PC Booster 2010 v1.0.0.007 Max PC Booster tunes and Optimizes your PC Performance to give you fast and stable operation. Max PC Booster gives you the combined power of its four Award w...
Tips on Improving PC Performance for Free 17 Aug 2011 | 10:53 pm
Have you ever been in the middle of writing an important paper, fifteen pages in and then suddenly you see the dreaded revolving ball or hourglass? In one fell swoop, all your hard work gone in a blin...
Analyse des tests effectués depuis l'outil Webpagetest en 2010 17 May 2010 | 07:50 pm
Patrick Meenan, auteur du site WebPagetest, a analysé les performances récoltées par son outil de test des performances web sur les 4 derniers mois par rapport à l'année précédente. Et le constat n'es...
How Is Facebook Advertising Performing Against Search? 7 Apr 2011 | 08:27 pm
We’ve been testing the performance of Facebook advertising on our Facebook optimisation platform, and how it performs against search for a test sample of brand clients. We did this by running two simu...
Uniblue Registry Booster – Optimizes Windows registry for better PC performance 1 Dec 2011 | 03:14 am
Uniblue Registry Booster – Optimizes Windows registry for better PC performance Certainly you have already recognized, the older a Windows installation is, the longer it takes for your PC to booted u...
Windows 8-ன் Preview 15 Sep 2011 | 01:44 am
தொடு திரை தட்டச்சு எளிமையான Start Screen பல Monitor உடன் இணைந்து போகும் Workspace எளிய Internet Explorer Pc Performence-ஐ காட்டும் Task Manager Run ஆகிக் கொண்டு இருக்கும் Resource காட்டும் Task M...
Maximize Your Pc Performance With Registry Cleaner Free 20 Mar 2012 | 10:54 pm
Windows registry issues are the most common problems that contributes to the decrease performance of your pc and we need to address this issues immediately if we don’t want to spend money to purchase ...
PC Tools Registry Mechanic 2011 (FULL) 10 Oct 2011 | 06:51 pm
"Award-winning registry cleaner to fix Windows® errors and optimize PC performance. Registry Mechanic is an advanced registry cleaner for Windows® that can safely clean, repair and optimize your regis...
HP Pavilion DM3-1130US 13.3-Inch Laptop (Silver) 2 May 2012 | 09:20 pm
For those who want full PC performance optimized for mobility, the HP Pavilion dm3 Entertainment series delivers in a surprisingly affordable, minimalist design.