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Twitter mon amour ! 23 Aug 2013 | 01:26 pm
Cela fait maintenant plusieurs années que j’utilise Twitter. On peut dire que je suis devenu accroc, c’est le service que j’utilise le plus avec ceux de Google. Je me souviendrais toujours de ma premi...
Lancement d’une startup : retour d’expérience avec Urdoor 20 Aug 2013 | 11:57 am
Il est toujours intéressant d’avoir le retour d’expérience de startups qui se sont lancées. Il y a quelques temps, c’était Frédéric Ducrot de Dokker qui nous parlait de ses trucs et astuces de la vrai...
More test zoom h1 related news:
Test blog post 0001 21 May 2012 | 05:25 am
Test Should be Test in H1 “He who wishes to be rich in a day will be hanged in a year.” - Leonardo da Vinci “Capital as such is not evil; it is wrong use that is evil.” test Mohandas Gandhi [...]
Pure aloha spirit + Canon T2i + Zoom H1 ( video ) 7 Jan 2011 | 06:56 pm
Very rarely do I actually Laugh out Loud but for some reason this video did it for me.. Much love to Vimeo user : Nob for making this. Just goes to show that the Aloha spirit can radiate even when th...
Hot shoe adapter for Zoom H1 9 Oct 2010 | 10:47 pm
This is a great hot shoe adapter for the Zoom H1 as it allows for just a bit more control over mic direction. Definitely a must have if you are using your Zoom H1 with a DSLR.
H1 Windscreen – Where’s your Redhead? ( demo video ) 24 Sep 2010 | 11:51 am
Hey all, If you use your Zoom H1 outside you may have encountered some deep rumbles in your recordings when even the slightest breath of wind blows by. The Zoom H1 Windscreen by Redhead Windscreens wi...
Zoom H1 Windscreen review by : Jem Schofield 23 Sep 2010 | 09:43 am
Much love to Jem Schofield for giving Redhead Windscreens some Jersey lovin! About : Jem Schofield, founder of theC47 and the host of gearbox, is a producer, creative director and author who consults ...
Zoom H1 Windscreen 5 Sep 2010 | 04:34 pm
“RedHead” deadcat fuzzy roadkill windscreen. Works like a charm, a must have for your Zoom H1 to protect against the evil wind monster ! Clear access to side in/out jacks. Held in place with sturdy tu...
Nikon Coolpix p500 test zoom 7 Jan 2012 | 04:11 am
Alcuni scatti realizzati con la mia nuova Nikon Coolpix P500 montata su tripod, a 40km circa a nord dagli aeroporti di Malpensa e Linate. Tutti gli aerei si trovano ad una altezza variabile dai 3500 a...
Rode iXY Review – High Fidelity Field Recorder in your Pocket 1 Jun 2013 | 01:09 am
We pit the Rode iXY vs Zoom H1 vs Sony PCM-M10 (omitted: Zoom H2 and Zoom Q3, but contact us and we’ll hook you up with sound samples) Several gadgets over the years have come along offering recordin...
Sounds from my AWE Exhaust 27 Jul 2013 | 09:15 pm
I captured some audio using my Zoom H1 audio recorder in stereo at 24bit 44KHz. This is a cold engine start-up from my Audi S4 with the AWE-Tuning cat-back exhaust using the OEM downpipes. Audio cli...
Аренда дикрофона Zoom H1 6 Aug 2013 | 07:49 am
Стоимость аренды дикрофона Zoom H1 100 грн./сут. Краткое описание: Аренда дикрофона Zoom H1- это аренда компактного, легкого и очень простого в управлении цифрового аудио-рекордера (дикрофона). Отл...