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+23GB nemokamos vietos Dropbox [Android] 28 Apr 2012 | 09:01 pm
Nusipirkęs HTC One telefoną gali gauti nemokamai 25GB vietos debesų talpykloje Dropbox. Nors šiuo metu rinkoje yra nemažai nemokamų debesų talpyklų (Dropbox, Drive, SugarSync, Box, SkyDrive ir pan.) ...
برنامج الأتصال المجاني كاكاو 2013 الجديد للجالكسي أس 3 و الاندرويد KakaoTalk For Android 4 Feb 2013 | 09:34 am
تحميل تنزيل برنامج الأتصال المجاني كاكاو 2013 الجديد أخر أصدار للجالكسي أس 3 و الاندرويد Download KakaoTalk Free Calls & Text For Android يعد برنامج الأتصال المجاني كاكاو 2013 الجديد للجالكسي أس3 و ا...
Pengiriman Menggunakan Stomp pada Android 5 Jun 2013 | 05:09 am
Kali ini akan dijelaskan cara mengirimkan text dari android ke broker ActiveMQ menggunakan stomp. Telebih dahulu yang dilakukan adalah download perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan. ActiveMQ, dapat diperoleh...
모바일 설치파일 다운로드를 위한 IIS 설정 16 Aug 2013 | 07:45 am
모바일용 설치파일을 지원하기 위해서는 IIS에 MIME 타입을 추가해야한다. iOS IPA/PList 확장자 : .ipa MIME형식 : application/octet-stream 확장자 : .plist MIME형식 : text/xml Android APK 확장자 : .apk MIME형식 : application/
Making a Simple OCR Android App using Tesseract 10 Nov 2011 | 05:43 am
This post tells you how you can easily make an Android application to extract the text from the image being captured by the camera of your Android phone! We’ll be using a fork of Tesseract Android Too...
Root Explorer (File Manager) 30 May 2012 | 04:00 am
Root Explorer is the ultimate file manager for root users. Access the whole of android’s file system (including the elusive data folder!). Features include SQLite database viewer, Text Editor, create...
quick note on meta name viewport and android 21 Jun 2011 | 08:09 am
If omitting width=device-width from the viewport meta tag, css3 flex-box layouts no longer respect overflow:hidden and text-overflow:ellipsis for wider-than-page content.
DropBox for android – Lets you upload files to cloud 28 Feb 2012 | 08:28 pm
Drop box is use full app help us to store your files in the cloud and also for keep synced between your desktop,laptop and phone. Drop box is a perfect and secure place for save your all stuff inclu...
NFC writing plain text to a tag 9 Nov 2011 | 12:00 am
Android currently supports writing well known of three types of most widely used NdefMessages: Plain text, URI and Smartposter. In this tutorial, I will briefly introduce how we can use NFC supported ...
This Is Probably The Coolest Geek Gadget Ever 14 Apr 2012 | 04:45 am
This is the “Pebble” watch and it’s an amazing piece of technology. It will connect to your iPhone or Android phone via bluetooth and can display emails, texts, and other cool stuff directly to the w...