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More text twist font related news:
Starting Good CSS Habits: Part 3 30 Apr 2009 | 05:33 am
Now that we have work on improving our HTML in the previous articles, we are ready to start applying some CSS to the page. We will begin by discussing text and fonts.
Free Embossed Text Label Font 7 Mar 2012 | 04:04 am
Here’s a new fun font I just finished – Embossed Label and Text based on my previous post with the images. Those ones had only basic alphabet and numbers so I also made some extra characters. More stu...
Hero’s Free Photoshop Holiday Cards 2 Dec 2009 | 10:38 am
Introduction Each downloadable file below contains a simplified .psd with an empty layer for you to paste your photo into along with fully editable text layers (fonts included in the download). Simply...
Reference text web fonts: ITC vs. URW Baskerville vs. Buenard vs. Caslon 18 Aug 2012 | 02:40 pm
I spent a couple of hours today looking at web fonts for legible reference text. After reading the New York Times experiment finding that Baskerville is “the king of fonts”, I thought I’d give it a tr...
Firefox 15, text-transform, font-variant και ελληνικά 27 Aug 2012 | 04:38 pm
Με αρχή από την έκδοση 15, που κυκλοφορεί επίσημα στις 28 Αυγούστου 2012, ο Firefox θα τηρεί τους κανόνες του ελληνικού τονισμού όταν εκτελεί τις εντολές text-transform:uppercase και font-variant:smal...
10 BPS and room to grow 31 Aug 2012 | 08:35 pm
FHFA Announces Another 10 Basis Point Increase In G-Fees Decrease Font Size Text Increase Font Size Aug 31 2012, 11:02AM Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s guarantee fees (g-fees) on single-family mortgages...
PHP GD generate an image with text and font embedding 19 Jan 2013 | 03:17 am
PHP isn’t limited to just generating HTML. It can also be used to create and manipulate image files in a variety of formats. I recently worked on a project where we had to generate an image for the us...
Re: Text Message font size 29 Jun 2013 | 05:31 pm
WOW, thank you guys so much, my Samsung SGH S390G was in my pocket and somehow the font size in my text message inbox got changed so small i could bearly see it, it was like this for almost 2 weeks. i...
Reference text web fonts: ITC vs. URW Baskerville vs. Buenard vs. Caslon 18 Aug 2012 | 11:40 am
I spent a couple of hours today looking at web fonts for legible reference text. After reading the New York Times experiment finding that Baskerville is “the king of fonts”, I thought I’d give it a tr...
Twitter Cover Photo 3 (Twitter) 21 Jul 2013 | 09:46 pm
Twitter Cover Photo 3 (Twitter) – creative graphic design templates -web design elements ZIP Folder Includes, – PSD – Readme (Text) Free Fonts Myriad Pro (System Font) Scriptina Pro (Free Font) http:/...