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WordPress Promotion Slider Eklentisi 31 Jan 2012 | 03:41 am
WordPress‘ in bu eklentisi, slider eklentisi arayanlar için oldukça kullanışlı ve güzel bir eklentidir. WordPress Protion Slider Eklentisini buradan indirin. Ftp ile wp-content/plugins klasörüne yükle...
View Source in TextMate 16 Mar 2008 | 08:31 pm
For reasons unknown to me Safari does not let you choose what application you would like to view the HTML source in. As a web developer I find this frustrating. There are some plugins out there—like S...
Install WordPress Plugin Tanpa Upload 20 Sep 2011 | 05:39 pm
Ada banyak cara orang meng-install plugin wordpress, tp yang sudah umum adalah dgn cara menguploadnya langsung dari komputer lokal, lalu dgn menggunakan software FTP lalu di upload ke server hosting. ...
Errors when upgrading WordPress via FTP 5 Mar 2011 | 04:08 pm
Some server configurations, typically running Pure-FTPd, have trouble updating WordPress via FTP. When doing an upgrade or a plugin install things may start fine but fail in the middle. It’s a bummer ...
Eclipse shortcuts for Sublime Text 2 29 Oct 2011 | 09:10 am
I am a Linux guy. I used to pimp gedit with all plugins under the sun in an effort to transform it into TextMate, but no matter what I try it keeps being an awkward coding experience. Still on the sea...
Beim Update von WordPress oder eines Plugins muss ich ftp-Daten eingeben. 13 Jan 2011 | 11:30 pm
Dies ist vermutlich darauf zurückzuführen, dass das PHP auf Ihrem Webserver so eingestellt ist, dass es als Apachemodul ausgeführt wird. besser sit, wenn es als CGI Applikation läuft. Ein Nebeneffekt...
mrking on "DEMO MODE Help" 20 Apr 2008 | 08:59 am
I am trying to use this with a test WP 2.5 site and it will not accept any usernames I enter into it and thus I can't even get into my site. I have to remove the plugin via FTP. Any ideas.
snipMate, better than snippetsEmu! 10 May 2009 | 10:23 pm
Mac 上的 TextMate 最有名的 feature 就是會幫你補完程式碼,vim 也有個叫 snippetsEmu 的 plugin。好久以前曾經試用過,覺得很難用,而且 coding style 很醜 XD 今天我發現 vim 現在有個叫 snipMate 的 plugin,做的比 snippetsEmu 好很多! 另外,snippetsEmu 也已經一年多沒更新了,snipMate 則...
WordPress 2.6.2 Upgrade and wp-quotes Plugin 7 Oct 2008 | 01:14 pm
Note the problem outlined below applies to version 2.6.3 too. I now have a copy of edit-quotes.php on my machine for a quick FTP after upgrading. I love the simplicity of the wp-quotes plugin by Zomb...
HLSW comes with ftp client ***UPDATE*** 3 Jul 2009 | 05:07 am
Summer slump? Not here! HLSW is now available for download. Don't miss the LUA-plugins: This easy script language empowers you to make your dreams of the admin section come true. There is...