Most tgv sunway pyramid related news are at:

ONE FC Total Domination in Singapore 16 Aug 2013 | 09:38 am
As growing fan of the MMA sport, it is nice to know that ONE Fighting Championship™ (ONE FC), the biggest Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) promotion returns to Singapore for another […]
Movie Review – Unbeatable 2013 14 Aug 2013 | 11:59 pm
It has been awhile since I wrote a movie review. But I can’t miss this opportunity to share with you a nice and heart warming story in this movie. Despite […]
More tgv sunway pyramid related news:
[KLIPS Premiere Screening] Filem Planes (2013) : Review Dari Aku 14 Aug 2013 | 11:23 am
Sekali lagi berjaya mendapat tiket free daripada KLIPS, kali ini untuk tayangan filem Planes pula. Premiere screening filem Planes ini telahpun berlangsung di TGV Sunway Pyramid, pukul 9.15 malam tadi...
GP Bowling Tournament 2010 23 May 2010 | 12:00 pm
Date: 3th April 2010 Venue:Mega Lanes, Sunway Pyramid
= Friday's In Sunway On A Saturday = 17 Oct 2008 | 04:00 am
Friday's in Sunway on a Saturday, so rhyme. HAHA Today I'll bring you guys to TGIF (again -_-"). Went with Yintse to Friday's for lunch in Sunway Pyramid. We ordered a set lunch and an ala carte. M...
ADA APA ESOK HARI? 28 Apr 2011 | 04:54 pm
Kui kui kui....esok takde apa2 pun....cuma esok en.suami balik jer...hehehehe....hatiku riang gumbira..... Esok gak...rasa2 nak menepekkan diri kat sunway pyramid...harharhar...coz esokkan pelancaran...
GILA-GILA GELAK 22 Oct 2009 | 09:00 pm
isnin lepas eriey,fieq ,azy n adeq g sunway pyramid.kiteorang g tgok citer "PAPADOM". HAPPY giler ouh keluar lepak malam 2...uhuu even esok ye ade kelas..da jenis susah nk bangun pagi! ah!whatever.......
birthday celebration's 30 Sep 2011 | 05:18 am
hye peeps.long time no see kan.oh before that HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.boooo boooo wish birthday my birthday so my friends decided having lunch at garden restaurant,sunway pyramid t...
2 pomander ball rm5 saje 18 Dec 2010 | 05:19 am
Hari yang sama I pegi Sunway Pyramid then saja masuk2 kedai Daiso Japan..level bape ntah..I masuk jalan2 dalam tu saja then I packaging yang siap untuk buat POMANDER...yeayy!!! I jumpa then I grab m....
bagaimana perasaan orang pekak ? 10 Dec 2010 | 07:30 pm
title tu tiada kena-mengena dgn batang hidung org pekak . just aku nk ckp dok rumah ni cam kat pasar malam , or uptown , or Mydin or Sunway Pyramid or mane2 lah tempat yg bising ! bising pon sbb ade ...
:: 149 : Best of Friends :: 7 Nov 2009 | 07:16 am
-mobile blogging- In picture : * Hunny (Hun Hun) * Huda (Hud Hud) * Eka (Kaq Kaq) * Bie (B-B) Taken on : 6 nov 09 @ Sunway Pyramid
Sunway Pyramid after 1st week of class 13 Mar 2012 | 11:10 pm
Salam...wah..hihi..amcm..nmpk nerd x..?? aku kt Shah Alam..stelah 2 minggu kelas bru der masa nk update blog nie...dah berhabuk da rasanya..hikhikhikhik...2nd class of 1st wee...