Most the 16 diaries blog related news are at:

And so it's come to this... 3 Jan 2010 | 08:02 pm
...another blog. As from now I've decided to discontinue The 16 Diaries, moving my focus to my new blog the robins. The main reason behind my decision was that I simply don't like the name 'The 16 D...
Why, Chanel No. 5 of course... 9 Dec 2009 | 09:52 pm
...Marilyn Monroe famously replied after being asked what she wore to bed. And so began a cult, which to this day sees this very fragrance, Chanel No. 5, as one of the highest selling fragrances every...
More the 16 diaries blog related news:
My tweets 17 Feb 2012 | 08:04 am
Wed, 16:52: blogged: Is It Dark in Here?: I like a lot of light in my house - especially in the kitchen… Wed, 22:11: The bcmom Daily is out! ▸ Top stories to...
What is a blog and how you can get one of your own? 31 Mar 2011 | 01:03 am
The word blog has been derived from the phrase ‘web log’. It has existed in the web domain for the last 10 years. Blogs are considered to be online diaries. Blog lets you bring your ideas and thoughts...
Hello There................ 7 May 2010 | 08:44 pm
hm... long time not writing here on my diary blog. "busy"... classic excuse ha? hehe... besides I've got to maintain my small family, now i have a small online store also which is spend almost half of...
Don't blog from the bog! 20 Feb 2008 | 08:42 am
A Flushed Tory Candidate is Incommunicado Iain Dale 2:16 PM Blogging Tory candidate Tracey Crouch has been "off line" for the last 18 hours having dropped her Blackberry down the lavatory. What is wo...
And so it's come to this... 3 Jan 2010 | 08:02 pm
...another blog. As from now I've decided to discontinue The 16 Diaries, moving my focus to my new blog the robins. The main reason behind my decision was that I simply don't like the name 'The 16 D...
Time Lapse Videos 1 Sep 2011 | 10:53 pm
Paddy has his own video diary blog!. Paddy updates his video blog every night so make sure to check back every day! Now iPhone and Android compatible! People who looked at this item also looked at...
Contoh Desain Blog Cantik 9 May 2010 | 01:06 am
Silakan Anda pilih salah satu dari kumpulan desain template blog berikut ini: Desain Blog Cantik 1 Demo 16 Warung Blog Cantik Klik Di Sini Desain Blog Cantik 2 Demo 17 Warung Blog Cantik Klik Di...
Weekly Tweets and Business Tips for 2009-11-16 17 Nov 2009 | 01:00 am
New blog comment: I really like the article it helps me a lot. I was going through about the traffic to a webpage … # New blog page: kinda like a TwitWall \ hub. For those that fo...
Juara ke-16 Kontes Blog – SEO 25 Nov 2010 | 06:29 am
Akhirnya penantian dan pengumuman pemenang Kontes Blog dari Academia Education & Training di email juga dan saya ternyata masuk urutan 16 dari total 30 pemenang Kontes Sebenarnya Blog saya adalah blo...
LICYTACJA 11 Aug 2008 | 08:13 pm
LICYTACJA TEGO BLOGA !!!!!! Niestety nie chcę już prowadzić bloga o H2o więc jeśli któś chciałby mieć tego bloga na własność ! To jest on do wylicytowania na stronie cena ...