Most the art of storytelling related news are at:

Bringing Storytelling to Mainstream Audiences 4 Aug 2013 | 05:57 am
Hi Friend, Surprise! I am happy to say that rumor of my demise are happily exaggerated. This summer my dear friend, Hawaiian Storyteller and master festival organizer, Jeff Gere and I (Brother Wolf) ...
Welcome to the Android Revolutionaries… 4 Mar 2013 | 03:12 am
Hi – Welcome to the Art of Storytelling Show Website. In the last few weeks for reasons unknown the smart phone users have begun to listen to the show in large numbers – if this is you please let us k...
More the art of storytelling related news:
Imagination and Little Girls Weekend 30 Sep 2011 | 05:44 pm
First, a tale of pure imagination and the art of storytelling. THE FALL FRIDAY 430 630 900 ————— Then, a story of communism. It’s French and compared to Persepolis. I say worth a look. BLAME I...
Conférence du Cercle du Marketing Direct : De l’entrepreneur au leader ou l’art du storytelling 1 Dec 2010 | 10:12 pm
Pour cette dernière conférence-déjeuner de l’année, le Cercle du Marketing Direct Est et Maetva vous proposent de participer à une rencontre sur le thème : « De l’entrepreneur au leader ou l’art du st...
The Art and Storytelling of Jesse Moynihan 27 Mar 2012 | 03:57 am
Working behind the scenes on a creative endeavor, like a film or television show, gives one a deeper appreciation for the massive amount of energy expended by a huge team of people that goes into the ...
Storytelling Marketing neu im Textzeichnerin-Portfolio 30 Jul 2012 | 09:35 pm
Märchen sind die wahrscheinlich älteste und noch immer bewährte Art des Storytellings – zu Deutsch: Geschichten erzählen. Diese Eigenschaft nutzt die Textzeichnerin für das Marketing ihrer Kunden in i...
CBC’s DNTO to air my story on Coming Out to My Church for “Lost Causes,” Nov 3 29 Oct 2012 | 08:31 am
Definitely Not the Opera, (DNTO) a CBC Radio One program devoted to the art of storytelling in Canada, asked me to tell my story of coming out to my church for their Nov 3 show “Lost Causes”. I had pi...
The Art of Storytelling 12 Dec 2012 | 05:21 pm
I’ve gone on tons of job interviews in my life. I never get hired. It annoys the fuck out of me. Honestly, I think the companies are stupid. They clearly don’t want to hire talent – because I’ve prove...
Old Jack’s Boat: Bernard Cribbins brings the art of storytelling to CBeebies 16 Jan 2013 | 03:00 pm
Bernard Cribbins will return to children’s TV as he portrays Old Jack, a fisherman with many tall tales to tell. A mix of live action and animation will see Old Jack and his canine companion, Salty, r...
Aspiring Celebrities: Latino Bloggers and the Art of Storytelling 25 Jan 2013 | 06:57 pm
Last week, while flying back from NYC, I was reading an interesting article in the Sunday magazine of The New York Times. According to new scientific research, if you are trying to persuade someone, “...
Tango Shoes 8 Mar 2013 | 01:20 pm
Invigorate the Dancing Experience with Tango Shoes Dancing is the passion blended with the nuances of expressions, art of storytelling, subtle movements, and fusion of music turning every celebration ...
Transmedia, Marcas y Gratitud. 23 Apr 2013 | 11:15 pm
“La distancia más corta entre dos personas es una historia.” Esta frase la escuché hace un año en boca de Bill Boyd un maestro de lengua inglesa que utiliza las artes del storytelling para conectar co...