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英国华人参政计划 BC Project 24 Aug 2013 | 11:45 am
英国华人参政计划(BC Project)是一个旨在提高英国华人社群在英国的政治舞台上影响力的非党派志愿组织。由李贞驹律师(Christine Lee)发起成立,英国华人参政计划于2006年10月31日在Anelay夫人的支持下于上议院启动,并于2007年1月25日在安德鲁迪西莫议员支持下在下议院正式通过。...
微软CEO史蒂夫.鲍尔默宣布一年后将退休 23 Aug 2013 | 08:28 pm
在物色到接班人后,作为微软CEO的鲍尔默将在一年之后退休。此消息公布出来之后,微软的股价大涨近9% 。 微软公司董事会目前指定了专门的委员会执行任命新的CEO事宜。 该委员会的主席为约翰.汤普森即董事会的首席独立董事,还包括微软公司创始人兼主席比尔.盖茨和其他董事会成员。甄选工作将与行政招聘公司“海德思哲国际”合作, 内部和外部竞争者享有平等机会。...
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[NEWS] CNBLUE irá fazer uma performance no Asia Pacific Super Model Contest 2010 25 Sep 2010 | 06:44 am
Super Model Contest 2010 Horário: 05 de outubro, terça-feira @ 05:00 (horário da China) Localização: 天安三距离公园(Tiānān san juli Gongyuan) Entrada: 02:30 - 04:00 PM (China Time), primeiro vêm primeiro se...
June 2005 Journey to Jasmine Kathleen Zecong Shahkar 18 Apr 2006 | 04:12 pm
Day 1 - June 15, 2005: In Our Arms At Last At about 4:30 pm, China time, we finally had Jasmine in our arms!! The rest of our travel group arrived at the hotel at 2:00pm. Ali and I were waiting in...
HTC plans to build its own smartphone CPUs 24 Apr 2012 | 07:30 pm
The Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer HTC apparently wants to enter themselves in the development of processors for its devices. According to a report in the ‘ China Times ‘HTC wants to work closely w...
Curved Glass predicted For Next Year’s iPhone 23 Jun 2012 | 08:46 pm
Terry Gou, Chairman of Apple’s main iPhone and iPad subcontractor Hon Hai Precision trade Co. (Foxconn) in an exceedingly China Times interview urging shoppers to carry off shopping for Samsung’s n...
Desaceleración económica en China 30 Jul 2012 | 06:33 am
Time – EE. UU. Autor: MICHAEL SCHUMAN Cualquier persona que pensara que China era impermeable a la peligrosa situación de la recuperación mundial o a las leyes de la economía básica debería observar l...
Reproduced:Singleton refused to stay Wizards CBA hatchetman implied or return to China 3 Aug 2012 | 04:04 pm
Time on August 3, according to the Washington Post reports, mercurial vapor 8 free agent James - Singleton has decided to leave the mer...
Microsoft, kendi cep telefonunu yapıyor olabilir mi 5 Oct 2012 | 04:02 pm
Çinli bir haber sitesine göre Windows Phone 8 ile büyük oynamaya hazırlanan Microsoft, kendi telefonunu yapmak için bu senenin başından beri çalışıyor. China Times‘ın iddiasına göre Microsoft, Çin’dek...
Thanksgiving 2012: A Famous Temple in China 22 Nov 2012 | 09:26 pm
Time flies, another thanksgiving day of a year. I would like to express utmost thanks to my supervisor, Professor David Newton, for his continued encouragement, support and guidance throughout the co...
iPhone 5S’in Özellikleri Neler Olacak? 15 Mar 2013 | 07:48 am
iPhone 5S’in Özellikleri Neler Olacak? iPhone 5S hakkında yeni iddialar gelmeye başladı, bu yenilikler parmak izi okuyucusu ve NFC desteği olabilir. China Times haberlerine bakılırsa Apple, iPhone 5S ...
iPhone 5S'in özellikleri! 15 Mar 2013 | 01:51 pm
iPhone 5S hakkında yeni iddialar gelmeye başladı, bu yenilikler parmak izi okuyucusu ve NFC desteği olabilir. China Times haberlerine bakılırsa Apple, iPhone 5S için parmak izi okuyucusu ve NFC özell...