Most the eight day related news are at:

Statement on Immigration Reform from 8th Day Center Staff 17 Jul 2013 | 01:39 am
8th Day Center for Justice stands firmly in our commitment to justice for our immigrant sisters and brothers. We represent over 30 communities of women and men religious and associates who have passio...
Because of your generous gifts, 8th Day is able to live out its mission 2 Jul 2013 | 01:10 am
Dear 8th Day Supporter, Thank you for your support of 8th Day Center for Justice. Because of your generous gifts, 8th Day has been able to live out its mission and vision. Abdulhai is one of the pe...
More the eight day related news:
Eight Days of Teleparties at Playful Thriving Academy! 19 Apr 2012 | 03:24 am
Creativity and springtime seem to go hand in hand. Something about this season inspires our desire to plant seeds and watch in enchanted anticipation for sprouts to stretch toward the sun. Nik & I wa...
Eight Day – UK Musical Memories Tour 8 Mar 2012 | 05:52 am
GL Travel Services/Tours-R-uss 15 Fourth Street, Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 1P2 Phone: 902-832-0794 Fax: 902-832-7916 Toll Free 1-888-828-8847 DAY 1 - Overnight International flight to London, England D...
Eight Day UK Tour – English Heritage Tour 8 Mar 2012 | 04:14 am
GL Travel Services/Tours-R-uss 15 Fourth Street, Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 1P2 Phone: 902-832-0794 Fax: 902-832-7916 Toll Free 1-888-828-8847 DAY 1 - Overnight International flight to London, England D...
Amgen Tour a Success In Lake Tahoe 19 Jul 2011 | 08:33 am
It’s Lake Tahoe’s turn to take the stage. America’s largest cycling event started at Lake Tahoe May 15, 20011, with Stage 1 of the Amgen Tour of California. The eight-day, 800-mile Tour de France-sty...
Chicago Luxury Hotel Classic Style at the Drake 23 Aug 2008 | 06:58 am
My husband and I stayed at The Drake Hotel in Chicago last year and it was wonderful. The Drake Hotel is one of the most luxurious hotels in Chicago. We stayed for eight days and were able to have two...
The Christchurch earthquake… #eqnz 2 Mar 2011 | 04:48 pm
It’s been eight days since Christchurch was given the epic (in a bad sense of the word) shake up. The one on my birthday last year was scary, but last Tuesday was terrifying. Fortunately for me I’m in...
Void. 22 Apr 2012 | 11:26 pm
Another eight days till April's over. One step closer to A2 finals which isn't something I'm looking forward to but I'll live with it. I just had my two weeks break today being the last day. I'm quite...
Eight Days Down, Seven To Go 5 Jun 2007 | 02:23 am
For the process here, you have to spend 15 days bonding and then you go to court to make the adoption official. Today was day eight! We have seven more days of bonding and then we wait for the court t...
Bright Idea 27 Nov 2009 | 10:30 pm
God! What a crappy day yesterday was.......I feel as miserable as this relentless rain we've been subjected to. Eight days of drizzle......EIGHT, with intermittent fleeting intervals of sun, hail and ...
Adventures in Nana-land 13 Apr 2012 | 11:29 pm
So far, I've survived eight days of full-time babysitting. My stamina seems to be improving and my level of anxiety seems to be lessening as I become more accustomed to the children and their schedul...