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Free Google+ invitations 26 Aug 2011 | 07:02 am
I have 150 Google+ invitations to give away. If anyone wants one drop me a line. Just write your request in the comments below and I will send the invitation to the e-mail address you give in the com...
Subscription 13 Aug 2011 | 07:58 am
In a tough economic environment it doesn’t suit every company’s finances to pump capital into development or re-development of their website. That’s why I’ve come up with the subscription package. Th...
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Postgresql로 한글 full text search 시도기 22 Mar 2010 | 09:40 pm
최근 일이 있어 Postgresql을 이용한 full text search (FTS) 를 시도해보았다. Postgresql 자체가 역사가 긴 녀석이라 그런지 full text 검색 다양한 방법들을 제공했다. pgtrgm, tsearch2 와 같은 메소드를 제공하고 GIN (Generalized Inverted Index) 나 GiST (Generalized...
The Hell Called Treblinka full text 2 Nov 2011 | 10:05 pm
Ever since reading part of Vasily Grossman's account of the Treblinka death camp, The Hell of Treblinka in A Writer at War, I've been looking all over for the full text for ages. Well the full Englis...
Free Books for Your Kindle (revised edition) 20 Mar 2012 | 07:23 pm
Free Books for Your Kindle (revised edition) Review Free Books for Your Kindle (revised edition) Overview NOTE: The full text of this book is now available in the Kindle Kollection, along with two o...
F. Cantu and H. Ceballos. A multiagent knowledge and information network approach for managing research assets. ESWA, 2010 2 Jul 2010 | 09:10 am
Download: At Springer | Full-text Abstract We describe a knowledge and information network approach for managing research assets in a knowledge-oriented organization using a multiagent system. The p...
H. Ceballos, P. Noriega and F. Cantu. Requesting agent participation in Electronic Institutions. AAMAS 2010 11 May 2010 | 03:58 am
Download: Full-text Abstract The Electronic Institutions (EIs) framework is designed forregulating interactions among heterogeneous agents in opensystems [1]. In EIs, agent interactions are speech a...
H. Ceballos, P. Noriega and F. Cantu. Dispatching Agents in Electronic Institutions. ITMAS 2010 11 May 2010 | 03:30 am
Download: Full-text Abstract In Electronic Institutions [1], agents may be prevented fromachieving their goals if other participants are not present ina given scene. In order to overcome this situat...
H. Ceballos and F. Cantu. Towards a Causal Framework for Intelligent Agents Development. MICAI 2009 2 Nov 2009 | 06:07 am
Download: Full-text Abstract In this paper we present a Causal Artificial Intelligence Design (CAID) theory that borrows notions from Classical philosophy for modeling intelligent agents. Principles ... 10 Apr 2012 | 02:43 pm
[unable to retrieve full-text content] is a post from: Home Decoration - Decorating Ideas Unique and Affordable is a post from: Home Decoration - Decorating Ideas Unique and Affordable
Install Sphinx Search In Fedora or RHL 5 Feb 2012 | 10:15 pm
Sphinx is an open source full text search server, designed from the ground up with performance, relevance, and integration simplicity in mind. It's written in C++ and works on Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu, e...
Full text of President Goodluck Jonathan’s Democracy Day 2012 speech 30 May 2012 | 08:18 am
Fellow Nigerians, 1. One year ago, I was privileged to stand before you, to take the oath of office as President of our dear country, the third to serve you as President since the return to democratic...