Most the gambia related news are at:

New Volunteering Opportunities in The Gambia 15 Jul 2013 | 05:00 am
The Gambia Experience has joined forces with the award-winning volunteer organisation, people and places in order to offer designated volunteering programmes for those who wish to spend four weeks or ...
NEW: The Gambia Experience Brochure 2013/14 incorporating Senegal 17 Jun 2013 | 05:00 am
Independent tour operator, The Gambia Experience launches its November 2013 – October 2014 brochure this month. The brochure again incorporates sister company The Senegal Experience due to continuing ...
More the gambia related news:
Word of the Day – DALASI 25 May 2012 | 07:00 pm
DALASI \dah.LAH.see\ n. the basic unit of currency of Gambia, pl. -S The dalasi is subdivided into the BUTUT (pronounced something like \BOO.toot\), there being 100 bututs in one dalasi.
Where is Ghana Going to Make Money From? 30 Aug 2011 | 08:57 am
The economy of Ghana is not a bad one as compared to those of countries like Sudan, Gambia, Liberia, Ivory Coast and Ethiopia. If Ghana’s government can work hard and not become evil, where it is goin...
A taste of West Africa - Sailing through the Gambia 3 Apr 2012 | 01:08 am
Stretching over five million square kilometers, West Africa is comprised of sixteen countries; namely, Nigeria, Mauritania, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Benin, Niger, Guinea, Cape
Destination Gambia 8 May 2012 | 12:23 pm
An introduction to The Gambia, a West African country offering something for everyone, including beaches, eco-tourism sites, culinary delights, heritage travel (Roots/Alex Hayley trail), bird watching...
Bon dia Gámbia !!!! 23 Dec 2008 | 12:01 pm
Sabeu que hi ha gent disposada a ajudar als demes? aquí en tinc una mostra. Son amics meus, tenien una vida tranqui-la, gaudien de les seves feines així com del seu temps lliure que aprofitaven per m...
COMMON LAW AND RELIGIOUS LAW 9 Aug 2010 | 12:10 am
Country Description Bangladesh Brunei Gambia India based on English common law, separate personal law codes apply to Muslims, Christians, and Hindus except in Goa which follows Civil law based o...
Hand painted Gambia (and Jamaican bonus) 28 May 2012 | 11:01 am
Julbrew is Gambia's national beer and the crocodile is revered in the country for its healing and other powers. A recent trip to a wedding in The Gambia, West Africa, was another piece of delight for...
Foday Musa Suso: Kora Music From Gambia 9 Oct 2009 | 08:36 am
I thought I'd share this only because it offers an opportunity to hear Foday Musa Suso in a context other than pop or jazz (if you search the archives you'll find some more of Foday's recorded work av...
Algemene Info over Cabo Verde , Kaapverdische Eilanden, Cape Verde Islands. 21 May 2006 | 05:31 am
In de Atlantische Oceaan (Atlantic Ocean), ter hoogte van Gambia, ligt een archipel van 10 vulkanische eilanden, genaamd Kaapverdie, Cabo Verde , Kaapverdische Eilanden, Cape Verde Islands. Op de eil...
sometimes it hurts instead 20 Apr 2012 | 09:22 am
Idag när Sara och jag var i parken med Adam så träffade vi på en man från Gambia där. Han började prata med oss och lite så. Sen efter en stund så frågar han vilket språk vi talar eftersom han hör att...