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Green World; Eco Friendly Kids 7 Mar 2012 | 10:57 am
Have you ever seen pictures of Earth from outer space? Well, it’s one of the most wonderful things you could ever lay your eyes upon. Imagine, of all the planets in our solar system our Earth, our hom...
Is the Green Movement Fomenting Consumerism? 12 Jul 2011 | 04:22 am
What could possibly be wrong with today’s green movement? After all, it’s good for the earth, good for our health, and good for our economy in the way of creating green jobs. However, there are a f...
Home 18 Jul 2009 | 08:20 pm
Iran: The Green Movement by Slater Bakhtavar. A new book detailing the movement for Democracy and human rights in Iran. *AVAILABLE NOW AT WWW.AMAZON.COM, WWW.BARNESANDNOBLE.COM AND OTHER MAJOR RETAIL...
Eco Art Contest-Hawaii 5 Feb 2012 | 07:42 am
Here's an awesome idea #green or #Eco #Art #Contest. While the contest is open to only students in Hawaii ...the challenge could be had by everyone. Give it a try ...I am Contest launch: 9 feb 2012 O...
Electrolux EL6984A UltraSilencer Green Canister Vacuum 18 Jan 2011 | 01:40 am
Electrolux marries the green movement with an effective canister vacuum that many families can appreciate. With a focus on being eco-friendly, coming up with efficient appliances is a must. Electrolux...
All Natural Supplements 28 May 2012 | 08:26 pm
Getting The Best All Natural Supplements All Natural Supplements – As the green movement sweeps the country many trendy and health conscious people will turn to organic foods and natural supplements t...
Greenwashing The Green Movement for Big Profits 29 Nov 2010 | 08:34 am
Is Green Going Grey? 16 Jan 2012 | 03:55 pm
Someone asked me recently if the green movement was losing its momentum. Well, according to Google Trends, words like "sustainability," "green design," "green buildings" and "LEED" are not being searc...
Responsible Purchasing and the Recycled 3-Ring Binder 24 Mar 2010 | 05:00 pm
If you are looking for socially responsible and environmentally sustainable products, the world of green or eco friendly labels is at best confusing and at worst, an ugly swamp of misdirection and fal...
Green Wine Industry: Support the “Go Green” Movement at a Winery Near You 19 Jan 2011 | 12:32 pm
Green Wine Industry: Support the “Go Green” Movement at a Winery Near You You may not be aware that the term environmentally friendly applies to the wine industry as well. The initiative to go green i...