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IBM's Arvind Krishna: Linux Will Fuel Next-Gen Cloud Applications 26 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
The next generation of applications will be smarter -- with built-in data, mobile and social capabilities -- and it will be built on private clouds that run on Linux servers, says Arvind Krishna, gene...
Slideshow: Best LinuxCon Goose Chase Contest Photos (So Far) 23 Aug 2013 | 01:55 am
The Great LinuxCon Wild Goose Chase scavenger hunt is well underway as Linux community members across the globe race for the chance to win up to $500. Participants complete missions by sending in thei...
More the linux foundation related news:
Linux Foundation Announces A Holiday Membership Program 10 Dec 2009 | 10:31 am
Today the Linux Foundation announced a new holiday promotion. Â For every new individual member who joins ($99/year), the Linux Foundation will also give a free membership to a student. By joining th...
Industrin stödjer Linux Kernel Long Term Support Inititiative 27 Oct 2011 | 11:22 am
Linux Foundation annonserar initiativet LTSI (Long Term Support Initiative) som syftar till att bilda en ny gren av Linux-kärna med förlängd supportperiod och regelbundna uppdateringar. Initiativet fö...
Linux Foundation 發佈 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 3.0 的第一份草稿並徵求意見。 8 Sep 2011 | 04:54 pm
Linux Foundation 最近發佈了 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) 3.0 的第一份草稿並徵求意見。FHS 上次正式發佈已是 7 年前的事了。 FHS 主要定義了自由 Unix 作業系統 (特別是 GNU/Linux) 檔案系統各目錄及其內容的標準。 Feedback Requested: Filesystem Hierarchy Standar...
Red Hat's Fedora 8 hope: An all-purpose Linux foundation 1 Dec 2008 | 07:46 am
Over the years, Red Hat's Fedora has made a name for itself as a version of Linux for enthusiasts, developers, and those who want to try the latest thing in open-source software. But a curious feature...
Video de como Avanza Linux 6 Apr 2012 | 05:32 am
Este es un video de la Linux Foundation que da algunas estadísticas y notas interesantes de como es construido y como avanza Linux, entre los puntos más interesantes: Linux es utilizado en una gra...
Помогает ли Microsoft делать Linux 12 Apr 2012 | 04:16 pm
Ежегодно Linux Foundation подводит итоги, кто в разработку кода Linux (PDF) вносит самый большой вклад. За прошлый год в списке наряду с Google, Samsung, IBM, Oracle, Intel, Red Hat встречаются и мене...
The 20 Years Of Linux 22 Apr 2011 | 10:17 am
The Linux Foundation is celebrating 20 years of Linux, and for the occasion, they’ve released a commemorative infographic:
Vous cherchez un job IT ? Misez sur Linux comme compétence 16 Feb 2012 | 01:33 am
Linux Foundation vient de publier un rapport montrant l’utilité de posséder Linux comme compétence et son utiliser de faciliter l’accès à un emploi . Voici l’étude représentée dans une infographie : L...
IDC: Software ist Schlüssel zu Tizens Erfolg 30 Sep 2011 | 06:35 pm
Die Marktforscher von IDC haben die Ankündigung von Intel uns Samsung kommentiert, die Plattform Mee Go zusammen mit der Linux Foundation und der Limo Foundation in das quelloffene Smartphonebetriebss...
MeeGo Developer Community Grows As Software Ecosystem Support Broadens 13 Apr 2010 | 05:09 pm
The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, today announced that companies from a broad range of sectors have committed to and are participating in ...