Most the odyssey related news are at:

HOLD THE FRONT PAGE!!! 24 Jan 2013 | 10:49 pm
Guinness World Records have been in touch. They say I HAVEN’T got the world record!! READ ALL ABOUT IT on my NEW blog, Development Hell:
THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES!!! 1 Jan 2013 | 04:59 am
INT. YOUR LIVING ROOM - DAY Depressed by the fact THE ODYSSEY EXPEDITION is over, you close down your computer and wander over to the television and turn it on. The only thing on all 900 channels are ...
More the odyssey related news:
Odyssey – Kabhi Nahin (Download Audio) 8 Mar 2012 | 02:19 pm
Song: Kabhi Nahi (Download Audio) Band: Odyssey
The Zalman Odyssey 17 Sep 2011 | 08:20 am
This is a brief documentation of the installation of a Zalman CNP9500 AT CPU Cooler into my new computer. The motherboard is an ASUS P8P67-M PRO which is Intel socket LGA 1155. First you can see that...
Wavetel ties up with Odyssey now in Adyar 7 Apr 2008 | 03:59 am
Now you can buy Mobile phones also at Odyssey outlet in Adyar. Wavetel Mobiles They are present near the billing counter at the ground floor Please post ur reviews of the outlet here
2001: A Space Odyssey (يك اديسه فضايي) 27 Oct 2009 | 04:44 pm
علمی تخیلی٬ رمزآلود٬ ماجراجویانه کارگردان Stanley Kubrick نوشته ی Stanley Kubrick & Arthur C. Clarke اولین پخش در ۲ آوریل ۱۹۶۸ آمریکا Washington D.C محصول مشترک ایالات متحده٬ انگلستان انگلیسی ۱۴۱ دقیق...
THEMIS: All-Star images 10 Dec 2010 | 07:10 am
THEMIS: All-Star images Summary: THEMIS presents a hit parade slide show of images, as NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter becomes the longest-duration Mars spacecraft. A space exploration milestone ....
Genesis Helicopter Flights 24 Dec 2009 | 11:22 am
Lanikai Helicopter Tour Package This aerial odyssey takes you above the turquoise coral reefs of beautiful Waikiki beach, to the extinct volcano of picturesque Diamond Head. Before arriving at Waikik...
Monolith Action Figure 4 Jan 2011 | 03:55 am
So, I have this obsession with 2001: A Space Odyssey. It’s a sickness, I know. This year ThinkGeek did their usual Non-Existent Product April Fool and because it was for a Monolith Action Figure, I wa...
鐵匠心得 8 May 2012 | 05:28 am
RAGNAROK ODYSSEY 鐵匠心得 作者: holemarine 來源: 巴哈 用槌子的話強烈建議先弄到武器再來想配卡 ミョルニル能力可以內建集氣速度加快..這招很重要 可以的話順便把這能力lv洗高 槌子的打法我個人是這樣用的 打小怪的話圈集氣一段 會用出範圍性的扣擊 這招殺傷力很大 還會附帶擊飛效果 不然就是地上的三角三角+圈圈 這招出招較慢..但是可以打飛所有火車...
祭師心得 8 May 2012 | 05:22 am
RAGNAROK ODYSSEY 祭師心得 祭師配卡心得 作者: kokokoneko 來源: 巴哈 話說這年頭藥水擴散當道,雖然光耀強化了,好像很少人真的拿祭司來補血。 武器: ウル グランドクロス 攻撃力アップLv5 メイス強化Lv3(C3乱打強化) 卡片: 陸丘の支配者 ODS オーキッシュトランス 攻撃力アップLv5 クリティカル確率アップLv5 クリティカル確率アップLv5 ...
弓手心得 8 May 2012 | 04:23 am
RAGNAROK ODYSSEY 弓手心得 獵人配卡心得 作者: kokokoneko 來源: 巴哈 小妹主要還是玩獵人,這邊就分享一下小妹打各個任務的心得。 以簡單為主,這裡分享的影片都是一定成功的方式,除非真的想拼成功率不高的極速時間,真的在打的時候還是簡單快速又穩定為重點,不然拼時間都需要一直重來跟運氣搏鬥太沒有意義了。 而且真要拼時間不會玩獵人! 小妹只在ニコニコ放影片,沒有帳號...