Most the pediatrician scary mommy related news are at:

I am not your mother 22 Sep 2011 | 12:58 pm
I am not your mother. What is it to me if you yawn out loud in class, your mouth uncovered and stretched wide? What do I care if you make that sound — ahhhhhhhhh — so that those in front of you and be...
This is the way we go to school 9 Sep 2011 | 01:19 pm
On her first day of school in the city, The Belle strapped her sandals on, picked out a bow to match her dress, and set off on foot with her backpack secured to her shoulders. Having known only suburb...
More the pediatrician scary mommy related news:
Scary Mommy Highlights, 2012 31 Dec 2012 | 07:05 pm
I don’t think I know a single person who isn’t ready for this year to end. It’s been a rough one in so many ways and I think we’re all ready for a fresh start and clean slate. Myself included. But, it...
GIVEAWAY to Celebrate Summer: Week 4 26 Aug 2013 | 07:29 am
Welcome to Week FOUR of our Summer Celebration. This week joining Baby Gizmo and Club MomMe is SCARY MOMMY! If you do not know Jill from Scary Mommy – you should – she’s HILARIOUS!! For example, her ...
FILOSOPHY: The fab phrase my girls are falling for. 7 Aug 2013 | 10:32 pm
All clever moms lie to their children… especially to their toddlers. (I do…. I’m pretty sure Scary Mommy still does when she can get away with it.) This chocolate isn’t what you think it is, it’s real...
Top Comebacks When Jerks Criticize Public Breastfeeding 5 Aug 2013 | 04:44 pm
*I originally posted this on Scary Mommy. It has been modified (to PG13) for HouseTalkN! I was in a lactating coma for 6 years. No, I did not nurse a child into elementary school. I popped out four b...
Better Mommies 27 May 2012 | 09:43 pm
A last one before we leave tomorrow... Was at Bibs and Bobsy's pediatrician and saw this flyer. I haven't checked it out obviously, but worth having a look at.
The world is a scary place {+tips to make it a little less scary} 5 Jun 2013 | 07:20 am
A few months ago at Maggie's toddler class, during mommy time, we were discussing how somebody's kid was having nightmares and how to handle it. A lot of the moms chimed in with similar experiences t...
Baby hickey 13 Jul 2013 | 04:11 am
On our way to the 6 month wellness visit with the pediatrician, baby Linc decided that mommy’s arm was very tasty. Ouch. Man…what the….that kinda hurts…OUCH…dang….that’d be funny if he gave me a hick...
Vaccinations 11 Jul 2013 | 06:19 am
Very interesting article from Dr Harlina's blog. Dear mommies.. Here is the article regarding vaccination by Dr Zahilah Filzah, a pediatrician of Sg Buloh Hospital as promised. I hope you’ll take t....
Vaccinations 11 Jul 2013 | 05:25 am
Dear mommies.. Here is the article regarding vaccination by Dr Zahilah Filzah, a pediatrician of Sg Buloh Hospital as promised. I hope you’ll take time to read this article. She wrote a very precise,...