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Rick Santorum Suspends Campaign 11 Apr 2012 | 08:42 am
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Rick Santorum Suspends Campaign 11 Apr 2012 | 04:42 am
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The Truth Comes Out: OAS Overturned Haitian Prez Election in a “Political Intervention,” – New CEPR Paper Suggests 18 Oct 2011 | 09:54 am
OAS Overturned Haitian Presidential Election in a “Political Intervention,” New CEPR Paper Suggests Statistical Analysis Shows that OAS Action Was Inconsistent with Election Data For Immediate Relea...
Demi on Good Morning America 2 Feb 2009 | 12:28 pm
emi Lovato paid a visit to Good Morning America today and talked a bunch about her upcoming TV show, Sonny With A Chance, with Tiger Beat, performing at the Presidential Inauguration, and her upcomin...
The Ignorance Of A Obama Supporter 5 Aug 2012 | 09:02 pm
I know this video is was published just after the 2008 presidential election, but it just goes to show how manipulative the left wing socialists of America are. In this video, Obama supporters are ask...
Imprint Express -- August 3, 2012 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Youngblood earns Department of State recognition; Dewberry appointed director for residence life; University elects Board of Trustees members; Park featured on El Paso TV show; Enns awarded scholarshi...
Lax American Press Responsible For European Mittstake 31 Jul 2012 | 09:47 pm
Maybe we ought to give our U.S. political journalists and TV pundits the next hundred days off and let the British press report on our 2012 presidential elections instead. The most embarrassing thing ...
Amazing. Romney/Ryan Gain 7 Points In Wisconsin 22 Aug 2012 | 06:13 am
Wisconsin has not voted for a Republican in a presidential election since 1984. The tides are now turning… The liberal polling outlet, Public Policy Polling, has a new survey out showing Mitt Romney l...
US Presidential Elections 2012 and Social Media – 14 Infographics 23 Oct 2012 | 02:48 pm
Social media shows the greatest increase as a source of information about the presidential election since 2006. These infographics illustrates how politics and social media are affecting each other. ...
#Infographic: The Impact of Social Media in the 2012 Presidential Election 5 Nov 2012 | 07:10 am
With voters heading to the poles this week this infographic is rather timely. I am lucky enough to not have to suffer through too many political ads because I don’t have a TV. However, social media is...
Jungle Fever: Hegre-Art Caprice and Valerie 6 Nov 2012 | 07:04 am
With tomorrow’s American Presidential elections, some say if President Obama loses there will be riots in the streets. So, I thought I would post HEGRE-ART Caprice and Valerie coming together and show...
Empire State Building as a Static Presidential Election Results Billboard 7 Nov 2012 | 11:34 pm
Last night as the results were being mentioned on TV and talked about on Twitter there was one other method people could see the results. CNN and the Empire State ...